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 English to Cantonese Translations

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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
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PostSubject: English to Cantonese Translations   English to Cantonese Translations I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 29, 2012 6:21 am

English廣東話/粵語 (Cantonese)
Welcome 歡迎 (fùnyìhng)
Hello 你好 (néih hóu)
喂 (wái) - on phone
How are you?

I'm fine, thanks,
and you?
你好嗎? (néih hóu ma),
點呀? (dím a)
(ngóh géi hóu, néih nē)
好好 (hóu hóu),
幾好 (géi hóu)
Long time no see 好耐冇見
(hóunoih móuhgin)
What's your name?

My name is ...
(néih giu(jouh) mātyéh méng a)
(néih dím chìngfù a)
我叫做 ...
(ngóh giujouh ...)
Where are you from?

I'm from ...
(néih haih bīndouh yàhn a)
(néih yàuh bīndouh lèih ga)
(néih haih bīngwok yàhn a)
我係 ... 人
(ngóh haih ... yàhn)
Pleased to meet you 好開心認識你
(hóu hòisàm yihngsīk néih)
(hóu hòisàm gindóu néih)
Good morning 早晨 (jóusàhn)
Good afternoon 午安 (ńgh ōn)
Good evening 晚安 (máahn ōn)
晚上好 (máahnseuhng hóu)
Good night 早抖 (jóutáu)
Goodbye 再見 (joigin)
拜拜 (bāaibaai)
Good luck 祝你好運
(jūk néih hóuwahn)
Bon voyage 一路順風
(yāt louh seuhn fùng)
(yāt louh pìhng ngòn)
Excuse me 請問 (chéngmahn) - to get attention
唔該 (m̀hgòi) - to get past
失陪 (sàtpùih) - used when leaving for a while
How much is this? 呢個幾多錢呀?
(Nīgo géidō chín a?)
Sorry 對唔住 (deuim̀hjyuh)
Thank you

多謝 (dòjeh) - for a gift,
唔該 (m̀hgòi) - for a service
唔駛 (m̀hsái),
唔駛客氣 (m̀hsái haakhei)
冇問題 (móuh mahntàih)
Where's the toilet? 廁所喺邊度呀?
chisó hái bīndouh a?
sáisáugāan hái bīndouh a?
Would you like to
dance with me?
(néih yium̀hyiu tùhng ngóh tiumóuh) - inf
(séungmíhn tùhng ngóh tiujek móuh ma) - frm
I love you 我愛你 (ngóh oi néih)
Get well soon 早日康復
(jóuyaht hòngfuhk)
(faaidi hóufàan a)
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
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English to Cantonese Translations Empty
PostSubject: Re: English to Cantonese Translations   English to Cantonese Translations I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 29, 2012 6:22 am

Language difficulties

Do you speak English? 你識唔識講英文呀?
(neih sīkm̀hsīk góng yìngmán a?)
Does anyone speak English? 有冇人識講英文呀?
(yáuhmóuh yàhn sīk góng yìngmán a?)
Do you speak Cantonese?

Yes, a little
(neih sīkm̀hsīk góng gwóngdùngwá a)
(ngóh sìk góng síusíu a)
I don't speak Cantonese 我唔識講廣東話
(ngóh m̀hsìk góng gwóngdùngwá)
Please speak more slowly 你可唔可以講慢小小呀?
(néih hóm̀hhóyíh góng maahn síusíu a)
(chéng néih góng maahn di)
Please say that again 唔該你講多一次吖?
(m̀hgòi néih góng dō yātchi a)
(m̀hgòi joi góng)
Sorry, I didn't get that 對唔住,我唔明白
(deuim̀hjyuh, ngóh m̀h mìhngbaahk)
What did you say? 你講乜嘢話?
(néih góng mātyéh wá?)
Please write it down 唔該你寫低吖?
(m̀hgòi néih sédài a?)
(m̀hgòi bātgei)
Can you translate it for me? 你可唔可以幫我翻譯呀?
(néih hóm̀hhóyíh bòng ngóh fáanyihk a?)
What does this mean? 呢個點解呀?
(nīgo dímgáai a?)
How do you say ...
in Cantonese?
... 廣東話點講呀?
(... gwóngdùngwá dím góng a)
How do you pronounce that? 呢個點讀呀?
(nīgo dím duhk a?)
I understand 我明白嘞
(ngóh mìhngbaahk la)
I don't understand 我唔明白
(ngóh m̀h mìhngbaahk)
Do you understand? 你明唔明呀?
(néih mìhngm̀hmìhng a)
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
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PostSubject: Re: English to Cantonese Translations   English to Cantonese Translations I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 29, 2012 6:22 am

In the hotel

There's a problem in the room 間房有啲問題
(gàanfóng yáuhdī mahntàih)
There's no hot water 冇熱水
(móuh yihtséui)
The tap/faucet is leaking 水龍頭漏水
(séuilùhngtàuh lauhséui)
The drain is blocked 坑渠塞咗呀
(hàangkèuih sākjó a)
The air conditioner is too noisy 冷氣好嘈呀
(láahnghei hóu chòuh a)
I would like to move to another room 我想換過間房
(ngóh séung wuhngwo gàanfóng)
When should I vacate the room? 我幾時要退房呀?
(ngóh géisìh yiu teuifóng a)
I'd like to check out 唔該, 埋單
(m̀hgòi màaihdāan)
I'd check out on this date 我個日會走
(ngóh goyaht wúih jáu)
Please call a taxi for me 唔該幫我叫架的士吖
(m̀hgòi bòng ngóh giuga dīksí a)
May I see the bill please? 我可唔可以睇吓賬單呀?
(ngóh hóm̀hhóyíh táihá jeungdàan a)
How much is the total bill? 帳單總數係幾多錢呀?
(jeungdàan jóngsou haih géidō chín a)
Can I have an itemised bill? 唔該,俾張詳細賬單我吖?
(m̀hgòi, béi jèung chèuhngsai jeungdàan ngóh a)
I think there's a mistake on this bill 我覺得呢張單有一度錯咗
(ngóh gokdāk ni jèungdàan yáuh yātdouh cho jó)
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
President & Founder of the Heroes Network

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English to Cantonese Translations Empty
PostSubject: Re: English to Cantonese Translations   English to Cantonese Translations I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 29, 2012 6:24 am

Making a lunch/dinner date

Are you free for lunch? 我地一齊食晏晝飯好嘛?
(ngóhdeih yātchàih sihk ngaanjaufaahn hóu ma?)
Are you free this evening? 你今晚得唔得閒呀?
(néih gàmmáahn dākm̀hdākhàahn a?)
Can you suggest a place for lunch? 可以介紹個食晏嘅地方嗎?
(hóyíh gaaisiuh go sihk ngaan ge deihfòng ma?)
Can you suggest a place for dinner? 可以介紹個食晚飯嘅地方嗎?
(hóyíh gaaisiuh go sihk máahnfaahn ge deihfòng ma?)
I'll meet you there 我地喺個度見
(ngóhdeih hái gódouh gin)
I'll meet you then 你地到時見
(néihdeih dousìh gin)
Can I have your phone number? 可以講你個電話號碼我知嗎?
(hóyíh góng néih go dihnwá houhmáh ngóh jì ma)
Can I have your address? 可以講你個地址我知嗎?
(hóyíh góng néih go deihjí ngóh jì ma)
This is my phone number 呢個喺我嘅電話號碼
(nīgo haih ngóh ge dihnwá houhmáh)
This is my address 呢個喺我嘅地址
(nīgo haih ngóh ge deihjí)
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
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PostSubject: Re: English to Cantonese Translations   English to Cantonese Translations I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 29, 2012 6:25 am

Eating out

Is there a restaurant near here? 附近有冇餐館呀?
(fuhgahn yáuhmóuh chāangún a?)
I'd like to reserve a table 我想訂一張枱
(ngóh séung dehng yātjèung tói)
We have a reservation 我地訂咗張枱嘠嘞
(ngóhdeih dehng jó juèng tói ge la)
Do you have an English menu? 你地有冇英文餐牌呀?
(néihdeih yáuhmóuh yìngmán chāanpáai a?)
Can I see the wine list? 我可唔可以睇吓個酒單呀?
(ngóh hóm̀hhóyíh táiháa go jáudāan a?)
I am a vegetarian 我食齋
(ngóh sihk jāai)
Bon appetit 食飯! (sihk faahn) - eat

Cheers/Good health! 飲勝 (yám sing)
飲杯 (yám bùi)
敬酒 (ging jáu),
幹杯 (gòn bùi)
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
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Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: English to Cantonese Translations   English to Cantonese Translations I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 29, 2012 6:32 am


救命呀! (gau mehng a!)
火燭呀! (fóh jūk a!)
停低! (tìhng dài!)
Leave me alone! 唔好搞我!
(m̀hhóu gáau ngóh!)
Call the police! 叫警察!
(giu gíngchaat)
報警! (bou gíng)
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
President & Founder of the Heroes Network

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Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: English to Cantonese Translations   English to Cantonese Translations I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 29, 2012 6:32 am

Special occasions

Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year
(singdaanjit tùhng sànnìhn faailohk)
(gùng héi faat chōi) - used at Chinese New Year
Happy Easter 復活節快樂 (fuhkwuhtjit faailohk)
Happy Birthday 生日快樂 (sàangyaht faailohk)
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
President & Founder of the Heroes Network

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PostSubject: Re: English to Cantonese Translations   English to Cantonese Translations I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 29, 2012 6:34 am

Other phrases

My hovercraft
is full of eels
(ngóh jek heidínsyùhn jòngmúhnsaai síhn)
One language is never enough 一種語言永遠不夠
(yātjúng yúhyìhn wíhngyyúhn bātgau)
(yātjúng yúhyìhn wíhngyyúhn m̀gau)
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