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 Why People Commit Crime

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PostSubject: Why People Commit Crime   Why People Commit Crime I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2012 6:42 pm

There are a number of people commit crime

Rational choice theory: People generally act in their self-interest and make decisions to commit crime after weighing the potential risks (including getting caught and punished) against the rewards.

Social disorganization theory: A person’s physical and social environments are primarily responsible for the behavioral choices that person makes. In particular, a neighborhood that has fraying social structures is more likely to have high crime rates. Such a neighborhood may have poor schools, vacant and vandalized buildings, high unemployment, and a mix of commercial and residential property.

Strain theory: Most people have similar aspirations, but they don’t all have the same opportunities or abilities. When people fail to achieve society’s expectations through approved means such as hard work and delayed gratification, they may attempt to achieve success through crime.

Social learning theory: People develop motivation to commit crime and the skills to commit crime through the people they associate with.

Social control theory: Most people would commit crime if not for the controls that society places on individuals through institutions such as schools, workplaces, churches, and families.

Labeling theory: People in power decide what acts are crimes, and the act of labeling someone a criminal is what makes him a criminal. Once a person is labeled a criminal, society takes away his opportunities, which may ultimately lead to more criminal behavior.

Biology, genetics, and evolution: Poor diet, mental illness, bad brain chemistry, and even evolutionary rewards for aggressive criminal conduct have been proposed as explanations for crime.

Now I personal that it is a very unique mix of thr theories listed above which varies from person to person.
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PostSubject: Re: Why People Commit Crime   Why People Commit Crime I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2012 9:48 pm

Dark Ghost,

I do have a similar thread to this one here: https://heroesnetwork.forumotion.net/t355-causes-of-crime

But thank you for sharing this. As I wrote before, one thing I try to look at are integrated theories. And then see how each theory can contribute to another theory and work with it, rather than against it.

Since, each theory alone can be an indicator or perhaps even a predisposition to criminal behavior or activities for some people, but at the same time there are certain people who can go through those situations and be law-abiding citizens who are not engaged in either crime, and become law-abiding citizens.

For one example, let's take a look at the Labeling Theory. A person does something wrong and is labeled a criminal. Therefore they have less opportunities, which lead to less motivation. Therefore they don't take good care of themselves. Therefore there's the biological factors such as having a poor diet. The people they hang out with will likely pick up on their behavior, which is the Social Learning Theory. The more of that there is, the more Social Disorganization there is.

I believe that each of these theories creates a Butterfly Effect - AKA Ripple Effect. One action or consequence leads to other actions and consequences. The more of this that continues to occur, the Broken Windows Theory then comes in. The more of something there is, the more of it there will be. The less of something there is, the less of it there will be. The idea is to keep stopping the crime at the roots. Break the continuous cycle from repeating itself. Stop those ripples from having an effect. Less theoretical windows will be broken, so to speak.

That is an example of some of the Integrated Theories.
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PostSubject: Re: Why People Commit Crime   Why People Commit Crime I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2012 10:09 pm

Very well put Tothian I could not put it any better.
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PostSubject: Re: Why People Commit Crime   Why People Commit Crime I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2012 10:38 pm

Thanks, Dark Ghost.
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PostSubject: Re: Why People Commit Crime   Why People Commit Crime I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 06, 2012 9:11 pm

Being presented with the opertunity can be enough for some people , also their immediate society might partake in crime and when a young child is exposed to it at an early age constantly they start to see that as the norm (how to gain respect or how to be a role model) Because for exmaple we'll as Jon Doe steal cars all the time and sells them there for he always has money might be seen as a viable career( level of crime and positive view on it will vary).
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PostSubject: Re: Why People Commit Crime   Why People Commit Crime I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 10, 2012 6:50 pm

Great thread guys. Smile

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PostSubject: Re: Why People Commit Crime   Why People Commit Crime I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 10, 2012 11:00 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Why People Commit Crime   Why People Commit Crime I_icon_minitime

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