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 Howdunit: Police Procedures and Investigation: A Guide for Writers

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Posts : 261
Join date : 2013-04-30
Age : 42
Location : Frozen wasteland
Titles : Formerly Raven

Howdunit: Police Procedures and Investigation: A Guide for Writers Empty
PostSubject: Howdunit: Police Procedures and Investigation: A Guide for Writers   Howdunit: Police Procedures and Investigation: A Guide for Writers I_icon_minitimeWed May 01, 2013 6:11 pm

This book is a nice informational book put together by a former detective. You can check it out on Amazon.

Here's the blurb from Amazon:
Not everything you see on your favorite crime show is accurate. In fact, a lot of it is flat out wrong. Police Procedure & Investigation helps you get your facts straight about the inner workings of law enforcement.
a career in law enforcement that spanned nearly two decades, author Lee
Lofland is a nationally acclaimed expert on police procedures and crime
scene investigations who consults regularly with best-selling authors
and television producers. Now you can benefit from his years of
experience with Police Procedure & Investigation.
This comprehensive resource includes:

  • More
    than 80 photographs, illustrations, and charts showing everything from
    defensive moves used by officers to prison cells and autopsies
  • Detailed
    information on officer training, tools of the trade, drug busts, con
    air procedures, crime scene investigation techniques, and more
  • First-person
    details from the author about his experiences as a detective, including
    accounts of arrests, death penalty executions, and criminal encounters
Police Procedure & Investigation is the next best thing to having a police detective personally assigned to your book!"

I personally really like this book. It's put together really well. It explains procedures, jail time, types of prisons, types of police divisions, etc. If you want a book for some basic police information, this one is a good one.

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