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 Detroit Police Chief to citizens: Arm yourselves

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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
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Detroit Police Chief to citizens: Arm yourselves Empty
PostSubject: Detroit Police Chief to citizens: Arm yourselves   Detroit Police Chief to citizens: Arm yourselves I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 04, 2014 6:34 am


It's good that they are starting to see the truth.
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Detroit Police Chief to citizens: Arm yourselves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Detroit Police Chief to citizens: Arm yourselves   Detroit Police Chief to citizens: Arm yourselves I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 04, 2014 6:52 am

From what I've found any kind of bans on guns have either not not seemed to have changed a thing, or have made gun-related homicide more likely. 

I'm glad that they are able to keep an open mind and look at examples of both gun-control and gun-freedom and see for themselves which one is more effective at keeping people safe.
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
President & Founder of the Heroes Network

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Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior
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Detroit Police Chief to citizens: Arm yourselves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Detroit Police Chief to citizens: Arm yourselves   Detroit Police Chief to citizens: Arm yourselves I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 06, 2014 10:55 pm

That's right. Gun control never changes society for the better.
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Detroit Police Chief to citizens: Arm yourselves Empty
PostSubject: Re: Detroit Police Chief to citizens: Arm yourselves   Detroit Police Chief to citizens: Arm yourselves I_icon_minitime

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Detroit Police Chief to citizens: Arm yourselves
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