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 Hero Sponsorship

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If there was a company who wanted to sponsor you and, in return, you had to wear their logo and endorse their product, would you?
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 25% [ 2 ]
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 75% [ 6 ]
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PostSubject: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeMon May 13, 2013 8:16 pm

If there was a company who wanted to sponsor you and, in return, you had to wear their logo and endorse their product, would you?

I'm wondering if anyone has people that they would allow sponsorship, or would not allow.
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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeMon May 13, 2013 8:20 pm

There are definite good and bad things about this issue.

Three good things:
1. You would get money thrown at you by the sponsor for being a hero.
2. Usually you get a certain amount of the product for free.
3. Recognition by a major company can go a long way.

Three bad things:
1. You'd have to run around with their logo somewhere on you.
2. You would have to endorse the product even if you weren't happy with it.
3. You'd be recognized on a national level through advertising, raising your own stress levels.

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The Grandmaster

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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 8:29 pm

Captain Amazing, best example of why this is both good and bad.
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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 8:52 pm

No. It wouldn't feel right. Both in general and for myself.

I would never advise it to anyone else in this community and would even advise against it... However if someone chose to do it anyway I would still respect their right to do that.

I mean I do have a vision for the superhero community that I want to promote of what I believe a superhero is and what is or isn't a good idea to do. But I also know that we all must follow our own passions that lead us in the right direction on our life paths.
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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 9:44 pm

....Yes. I would. It would feel a little uncomfortable, but I'm a scary smart guy when it comes to planning and strategy, (particularily in my own missions; for some reason I just don't have enough motivation to be so detailed in things I don't personally care about or am passionate towards). With the tons and tons and tons of money I'd be making, I'd be able to shut down the Director, and everyone like her, The Wasps and all the facilities under their funding, legalize marajuana, and prostitution, help build better, safer, more affordable rehabilitation and psychiatric centers, and have enough to donate many many many many dollars to the Prevent Child Abuse America foundation, ironically based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Ohhhhhh, man, the things I'd be able to do with that. I would be willing to sacrifice a little discomfort, if it meant having virtually unlimited funding for my endeavors, and because I would be viewed by billions and be able to use my Mind Control abilities on a mass scale. (I only control the minds of others towards good things, like relaxation, happiness, virtues, etc. I could use it to cause anger, greed, but I'm not a complete sociopath; a thought like that wouldn't even occur to me. It would just ruin everything; it's like having a gun and shooting your mother instead of the guy raping her into unconsciousness; it just doesn't make any logical sense to me.
Now my reasons are out of the way....how do I go about doing it? scratch

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--Hero Boy
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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeWed May 15, 2013 11:06 pm

Get some news coverage of you doing positive things and then approach a company that you'd want sponsorship from? Not too sure, but that's the first thing that comes to mind.
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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeThu May 16, 2013 1:49 am

Thanks; I'll do some looking into it; it would definitely be a ways down the road.
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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeFri May 17, 2013 6:02 pm

I probably would, depending on what it was and if I really believed in what it was. But there would be strings attached. Along with an endorsement, some cash would have to go my way AND i would need a choice of charity that I would want to donate to as well. I already have a few.

DarkShadow Rising...
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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeFri May 17, 2013 7:38 pm

I Voted no
1. because think about this what is the company's logo who's you are wearing end op being involved in some scandal then that would make you look bad because you supported them.

2. Now also a lot of times if you have a sponsor then a lot of times you would have to do thing their way it restricts your freedom do to thing the right way.
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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 18, 2013 5:52 am

Hero Man wrote:
....Yes. I would. It would feel a little uncomfortable, but I'm a scary smart guy when it comes to planning and strategy, (particularily in my own missions; for some reason I just don't have enough motivation to be so detailed in things I don't personally care about or am passionate towards). With the tons and tons and tons of money I'd be making, I'd be able to shut down the Director, and everyone like her, The Wasps and all the facilities under their funding, legalize marajuana, and prostitution, help build better, safer, more affordable rehabilitation and psychiatric centers, and have enough to donate many many many many dollars to the Prevent Child Abuse America foundation, ironically based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Ohhhhhh, man, the things I'd be able to do with that. I would be willing to sacrifice a little discomfort, if it meant having virtually unlimited funding for my endeavors, and because I would be viewed by billions and be able to use my Mind Control abilities on a mass scale. (I only control the minds of others towards good things, like relaxation, happiness, virtues, etc. I could use it to cause anger, greed, but I'm not a complete sociopath; a thought like that wouldn't even occur to me. It would just ruin everything; it's like having a gun and shooting your mother instead of the guy raping her into unconsciousness; it just doesn't make any logical sense to me.
Now my reasons are out of the way....how do I go about doing it? scratch

Stay true. Stay free. Stay safe.

--Hero Boy

Interesting way of looking at it. While I wouldn't go that route for me, from what I know of you and your goals and methods, that could be helpful for you with what you want to do.

Raven wrote:
Get some news coverage of you doing positive things and then approach a company that you'd want sponsorship from? Not too sure, but that's the first thing that comes to mind.

That's true. Phoenix Jones does that sort of thing, and has a team of people to help publicize his patrols and does livestreams a lot. People pay attention to that sort of thing.

DarkShadow wrote:
I probably would, depending on what it was and if I really believed in what it was. But there would be strings attached. Along with an endorsement, some cash would have to go my way AND i would need a choice of charity that I would want to donate to as well. I already have a few.

DarkShadow Rising...

It sort of works like that I think. But which charities would you want to donate to?
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Former Vice President of the Heroes Network
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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 20, 2013 10:44 pm

Homeless charities and victims of violent crime for starters.

DarkShadow Rising...
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The Wall Creeper

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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 21, 2013 1:27 am

No way. It would complicate the honest desire of the crime fighter; to do this because he chooses too, not to "lose funding". Everything in our world seems to relates to consumerism. That's not us. We are pure in the sense that we try our best on our own, and aren't corporate sponsored. I'm also with Dark Ghost on this one; let's say your sponsor company's product is dangerous, or is involved in criminal activity themselves? That makes you look like a stupid shmuck.
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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 21, 2013 1:55 am

Ah I see. Do you know of any specific charities or nonprofits that deal with them, that you like the most?

Wall Creeper,
You do have a good point that we don't necessarily want to do anything that helps bad corporations. But, if it gives them the opportunity to do something good, then that's a plus. And for that part I'm not even talking about helping superheroes. Then again, the problem is when bad corporations get glorified as good corporations because of that. Alright, mixed views, for now. Until you convince me otherwise. Because I believe to be or not to be, isn't the question. To do or not to do, is the real question.
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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 28, 2013 2:04 am

I'd definitely investigate the company first. If it's a good, honest, hard working industry, then I'd be more than happy to help support them. A superhero in my eyes helps those in need and protects the innocent. I've been doing what I do for a while without getting paid; hero sponsorship wouldn't make me feel guilty. I know I'm in it for the right reasons.

But yeah, for me it wouldn't be a bad idea. I don't have a secret identity anyway. I don't go telling everyone my name or anything but it's not a biggie if anyone knows because I don't do stuff that upsets bad people. Well, if they knew what I was doing they'd be upset, but I like the indirect approach. It's easier when the people you're trying to stop don't know that you're trying to stop them. So doing a couple things in a methodical manner in advance to create a dominoe affect towards your targets gets them out of the way for goodithout them even knowing what happened because as far as they know their current predicament was entirely out of anyones control and is perceived to just be merely a sign of the times, as opposed to the truth (there's a mind soldier manipulating certain individuals and twisting human nature to do his bidding heh heh). I wear my outfit quite a bit, just going about my day. Not for patrol or anything; I don't patrol. Being a superhero is just who I am. My outfit is just another set of clothes for me and I'll just waltz on into the Library, say high to one of the librarians I've known since I was a kid, and not make anything of it. If you don't act like it's weird neither will others. And if you get laughed at, laugh with them. Learn to laugh at yourself. Then people who laugh at you don't get what they want, and better they may have a higher respect for you by your ability to laugh at yourself and not make a big deal about it. People that it was weird at first but now not so much. More people like it now, especially kids. I never know when I'll meet some kid so I just wear the outfit whenever I go anywhere so that should I see a kid he can have a hero to look up to and see as a rolemodel.

And for me, I'm usually going after multi-billion dollar organizations, mad scientists, social issues, and institutional corruption with helping kids and fighting fires on the side. For me money can help a lot. It shouldn't have to be that way, but in order to make some seriously heavy changes you gotta invest some bank. Either that or start a gradual grassroots movement. I like being indirect but I don't like waiting extremely long periods of time. Couple months of planning and then it's go time. I don't want have to wait for a revolution to start, so, I have to have money. If sponsorship can help with that, then I can better afford to help people as much as I wish I could.

And I personally feel publicity is a good thing for a superhero to have. For the right reasons of course. Educating, Guiding, Preventing, Rolemodeling, etc. Something like a radio station even could be a good idea.

One thing I'd like to do is hold a self defense class for kids ages 8-13. Preferably before the age of middle school because middle school (as I'm sure most of you know via experience yourself) is a treacherous place. Confidence is important. If you go into middle school confident (confidence from knowing you can protect yourself if you have to) then they'll excell. Either something like that, or just a Youth Program of some kind. I know working with kids is definitely a goal of mine in the superhero department. That's how I fight crime. Next person who tells me I don't know what I
'm talking about becasue I'm not a "crime fighter" gets a picture of the thirteen year old kid who I convinced to stop hanging out with bad friends not four hours before they all got arrested shoved in their faces! Now that kid isn't going into the system where he'll learn how to become a smooth criminal. I've been locked up; THAT'S where kids go bad. Often times they have no clue about that lifestyle until they're in it because they have to be. Then they start learning how "cool" guys act, and then they start learning about different kinds of drugs, and then they get curious and then....yeah, sorry for ranting, haha. Help kids. Fight crime. Wink

Stay true. Stay free. Stay safe.

--Hero Man

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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 31, 2013 5:36 pm

Very cool stuff, Hero Man!
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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 01, 2013 4:59 am

Thanks! =)
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PostSubject: Re: Hero Sponsorship   Hero Sponsorship I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 08, 2013 6:15 am

I would just feel dirty and that everything I have done before had gone to waste. That's just me. I'll be happy to die poor.
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