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 The Spirit of Camaraderie

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The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 02, 2011 11:18 pm

I'd say your on the right path,regardless whatever others may say.
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 02, 2011 11:48 pm

Whenever people say things about others, it tells more about the person saying it, then it does about the person being talked about.
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 03, 2011 12:01 am

@Red Vision-

Yep! I remembered seeing that quote on Twitter some time semi-recently, and I think I ReTweeted it.
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 4:41 am

The true de-evolution of our community came with the downplaying of our "roles"

YOU define what you are. NEVER let anyone tell you "Oh thats dangerous, we don't encourage things like that and if you talk about it, you are out of the cool kids club."

If you want to walk down dark alleys and punch muggers in the face every night, more power to you, on the flip side, if you want to wear a bright pink tu-tu and hand out burritos to strangers, go for it! So long as you don't give them some sort of parasite.

I fully support what Tothian is trying to promote and that is everyone being supportive, not judgmental and separate.

We all have different callings, but we are all in this together, I feel we may have captured that essence right now...so here is to all of you!
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 5:08 am


Exaaactly. I mean I can understand when some people try to give advice that they would deem helpful - it's VERY much appreciated, especially when it is informative based on knowledge, experience - or just plain fuels deep interesting passionate discussions.

BUT, when you have people speaking for everyone - as ShowStopper once referred to it as - a penny speaking for the whole dollar - it's inaccurate.

I have my methods, and I respect that others have their methods - I notice that when people's methods are challenged and critiqued, that they're more likely to become defensive of their own methods and criticize others' methods - which is highly counterproductive.

Instead, I like to see other RLSH working together. Respecting each other's differences. For every difference they have, there might also be certain mutual similarities - my goal is to try to help RLSH's find those similarities with each other, so that it's none of this stuff, like, "If you don't do things our way, we'll try to make the whole world hate you, because you make us look bad by association." - I don't like hearing stuff like that, I think it's wrong and unheroic.
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 3:46 pm

I agree with the majority here & will add that sure we want less arguements on the forum & respect to all members,issues & the values of what the forum represents. however the most important thing here is preparing each other & helping others in general. It's not a crime to want to better yourself or others around you,it's the manner in how you do it sometimes that is. so keep in mind a second opinion is just that,a second opinion & nothing more.
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 4:23 pm

I agree with the majority here & will add that sure we want less arguements on the forum & respect to all members,issues & the values of what the forum represents. however the most important thing here is preparing each other & helping others in general. It's not a crime to want to better yourself or others around you,it's the manner in how you do it sometimes that is. so keep in mind a second opinion is just that,a second opinion & nothing more.

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The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 05, 2012 7:56 pm

Back in the days that Tothian is talking about, many debates, if they got too serious, were diffused with humor. Seems we all had a sense of humor then. Now we've gotten to the point where we're starting to take ourselves too seriously, even in a private forum among friends.

I also am very disappointed in the degree of jealousy I see. "So-and-so got a magazine spread or on tv." I say, good for them!It furthers awareness of us all and what we do. Let's hope that they came off well, didn't say anything too dumb, and that we'll still think well of them if they do mis-speak, because it ain't easy being interviewed and we'll all say or do something dumb eventually.
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 05, 2012 11:42 pm


I get the exact idea of what you're saying. Just last night I was reading something from the old old HN, back in 2008, when Entomo was starting to say bad stuff about people - and even me for not attacking them - none of us seemed to be too stressed out or worried about it too, because we all knew Entomo, and we accepted him and appreciated his weirdness - and he probably wasn't even really all that weird, it just came off that way due to language barrier, and internet can't really explain the emotions, intentions, and emphasis on each word. But, the point is we all listened to what he had to say, we gave him our honest opinions and advice, RazorHawk and Anax were joking around about it - Nostrum was being... Nostrum, and nobody cared if he ever said anything mean, because he was Nostrum, and Entomo had his rant and we still looked at him as our adopted italian bug.

I was just thinking about this today... That, even if there was some of that negative stuff - there was such positive vibes on that forum, that nothing bad anyone said could ever ruin it - I can't explain my exact thoughts 100% all at once, because they're too complex for words. It's like I can only explain small fractions of it at a time, even in large posts like this.

While I disagree that if someone says something stupid, it reflects on everyone - the thing I disagree with is when people in this community go in the media trying to represent everyone in this community - it's so inaccurate because the actions of one can't represent everyone - because of the fact that we're all so diverse, we should be able to feel free to be self-expressive, and honest. While some people tend to believe that the actions of one represent everyone, I would like to see more of a message that we're all different - because that's the way we SHOULD work for it to be seen - and it's better that way, because if someone does something bad, it can never reflect on anyone else but that person.

I do agree with Geist that more negative situations can and should be diffused with humor, and also that if someone else in this community gets famous - we should probably be happy for that person.

The true essence of a superhero isn't judged by fame, or popularity. Fame is only temporary, anyway, we all have and need our 15 minutes at some point, for our own personal and moral reasons. But honor can last forever.

Are we really as cool as we are? Or are we really only as cool as we help & allow others to be?

I wouldn't consider myself a media whore, nor media shy. I have a balanced approach to it. Meaning, I'm not out to seek it, but there are times I know it can be used to make something known, and also help for networking purposes - and of course getting to know people in this world.

As for the Spirit of Camaraderie, I've witnessed it, I have the idea of it, it's going to take me some time to define it and help others understand it the way I do from my angle, and I think once people not only know it and understand it, but witness the "feel" of it, it will be an awesome thing for them and those around them. Which is why I'm wanting to make that one of my main goals with making this new Heroes Network.
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 24, 2012 4:30 am

As I think deep thoughts about the Spirit of Camaraderie, there are things that should also be avoided as well. And that's the gang mentality and in-crowd way of thinking. It is good to have the mentality of being close with others in a group. That's a great thing. BUT, not to the point where we'll only be nice to people in that group and not very nice to people outside that group.

Things that bring back the Spirit of Camaraderie - Creativity, Self-Expression, Enthusiasm, Respect for other superheroes even if we disagree with them, instead of looking to divide via our differences - and focusing on counterproductive things like that - it would be more effective if we instead look to what we agree with them about instead and focus on that - then from there you can learn ways you can come together and accomplish some good in the world.

Not just accepting people for their weird and different traits, and their flaws, but understanding them and appreciating them for that. The same way we would want people to do for us. None of us can claim perfection, so let's accept that, and we can still look to continuously seek to be better people.

In some small way, if you take the Ripple Effect in to consideration - making this world a more interesting place is one small step toward saving the world. If this world were a really boring place, nobody would be as motivated to live nor save others. But, change is needed in the world. So, let's be that change and not wait for others to do that for us.

Consistent communication and getting to know people. Makes you familiar with them on both a more personal and professional level as well. Not out of obligation but because of how awesome it is to talk with other people in this community. Many of us all always wanted superheroes to exist. It happened. Over time, it's less of a cool new thing and something we get used to as a normal ordinary thing. But this is not a normal ordinary thing and never deny and never forget how happy you were when you first heard that there were others like you out there.

We're needed. You're needed. I'm needed. Kermit the Frog needs to be Kermit the Frog. That tree you see growing every day. That mustard bottle in your fridge. Irrelevant? No. It's a small part of a larger story of your life. We all have our own reasons, we're all important. We all have something we can teach each other, and many things we can learn from each other. Don't dismiss people as irrelevant. Sometimes the most seemingly irrelevant people can surprise you and contribute something important to your life in some way.
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The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 17, 2012 5:31 pm

I can't explain why, but I had a cause to go into the military recruitment center and pick up every single brochure that the Marines offered. In the brochures, I liked the Spirit of Camaraderie that they displayed. Plus, I watch this TV show called "Top Shot" and I notice it there as well.

Tothian, I think there's something else that you can teach us all a bit about this sort of stuff. If no way else, then by your example.

-And no, I'm not sucking up to you. I just know you and I know that you believe in those sort of ideas.
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 17, 2012 8:08 pm


The first rule in sucking up to Tothian is to not deny that you are sucking up to Tothian. The second rule is to never forget that first rule. lol

But yes, you're right. There are a few things I noticed in both Military School and the Marines, at times when the Spirit of Camaraderie is there, and when it's not.

Things that help promote the Spirit of Camaraderie:

-Suffering together.
This one is a tough one. While it is much easier to experience the Spirit of Camaraderie, when you suffer with someone from the same thing at the same time, people often become closer. While we don't want people to have to suffer just so that they can become closer, we must look to the things we already suffer from, or already have. When people can empathize with each other, the Spirit of Camaraderie is there.

-Common enemies.
Sure, common goals are there too, but having common enemies gives you a sense of similar focus. Don't go looking for an enemy just to achieve this, because the Spirit of Camaraderie seems to work best when it's supplemented with that Warrior Spirit, as well.

-Inside jokes.
You kind of have to have those inside jokes with each other. It can't be all that, there's gotta be that mix of professionalism in there with it as well, but it works much more easier when you have those right inside jokes, so that the way things function, are almost musical, that's how right it feels.

-Imagination, creativity, fantasy.
No harm in making things interesting. After all, who wants their lives to be boring? It's the interesting moments that we all truly live for. It's what gives us that inner drive to want to wake up in the morning.

Somethings to take in to consideration, that should definitely be avoided when experiencing the Spirit of Camaraderie, is:

-Shutting yourself off from the rest of the world. This is a Heroes Network, therefore a network consisting of heroes. While you feel a sense of family type closeness with those you consider comrades, don't forget to try to look at all people with that similar type of closeness in some way. Even if you don't know them. But, that gang mentality, or that popular in-crowd mentality, aren't good. That's too much of it to the extremes and not in a good way.

Enthusiasm, loyalty, harmony, balance, that feeling that things are going "right" - kinda like Deja Vu, these things are the things that lead you on to the path of this. There is something so much deeper to all of this that I feel like I have knowledge to, but it feels so hard to explain it all in words, I can only show you, by being my own weird self. And when people can accept and appreciate that, they start to see what I'm talking about with all of this.
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 28, 2012 3:04 am

I have noticed those same things as Tothian.

In the case of human communities, they tend to diverge over time and they change their shape. There will be jealousy, competition and sectarianism. They form separate groups, parties and there will be natural friction between people.

This has happened to all original good ideas, such as Christianity, liberalism, socialism etc.
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The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu May 10, 2012 12:24 am

There are some unfortunate ingredients of camaraderie. Having common enemies, being personally affected negatively by the same people or problems often causes people to feel a sense of camaraderie with each other.

That doesn't mean we should want to have enemies, nor bad things to happen, just so that we could also have that feeling of camaraderie with the people who also have went through the same thing you have. But, for when it does happen, camaraderie can form.
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 8:32 am

Through camaraderie there's power, friendship, humor, awareness and strength all which will help you and your team on the field.
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 5:38 pm


Exactly! Well said. And of course inside jokes, and better communication with more ease, and just that feeling of "Yes, these are the right people I need to be around and keep around me in my life." Also acceptance and appreciation for each other's best and worst traits.
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 10:47 pm

@ yea, through camaraderie you'll learn to trust your team and that your team can trust you. You have to Trust your team . While my world of camaraderie is a bit more in-depth because if we don't rely or trust each other we could die. Hang out and learning about your team can take you a long way.
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 3:37 am

Yes. Also, another thing that's important as well, is Leadership - Thus the reason that I have a Leadership Section of the Forum in the Academics Category. Leadership isn't about ego nor about who is in charge, it's about taking the responsibility to be dedicated to the people of your group and to help them be successful. Good leadership is vital to a team's success. In addition to the effective functionality of things, there's gotta be that aspect of it that's interesting and symbolic as well. And everyone knowing that they have an important place in things.

Like one of my theories goes, it's one thing to save the world, but to motivate it to want to save itself is a vital key to success. That can be done by finding those ways to make things interesting for everyone. It makes things easier, as well as flow better, and gives it that motivation to want to save itself and knowing it's worth saving.
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Duke of Orange Soda

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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 4:24 am

well said
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2012 4:54 am

Thanks, War Machine!
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 10, 2013 6:34 pm

I just posted this on facebook lol:

I'm slowly weening myself off of facebook as it is mostly filled with negativity / trolls, fakes and two-faced backstabbers. I'll eventually be down to only posting about what me and or my team does and maintaining our Public Figure pages etc. It seems that nothing you do on here pleases anyone (besides a few rare select close friends). Everyone is mostly out to talk trash or ridicule or screen cap eachother in some primordial plot to undue another RLSH. Blah blah blah. Gets old pretty quick.
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 11, 2013 1:20 am


I don't blame you. Facebook is a very flawed concept and ever since the world started to leave MySpace and shift to there, I think it in many ways really damaged the real life Superhero Community. It set an entirely different vibe entirely.

Not only did it make it boring and lame, and harder to have anonymity - but it also set a more negative tone about it.

I hope you'll still be an active part of the Heroes Network. It's a lot more fun and constructive.
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The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 22, 2013 4:43 am

Camaraderie is always getting stronger when one puts their right foot in and shakes it all about
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 22, 2013 10:53 am

Lost Dragon wrote:
Camaraderie is always getting stronger when one puts their right foot in and shakes it all about
Then you join the Heroes Network and you post and scream and shout.

That's what it's all about.
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PostSubject: Re: The Spirit of Camaraderie   The Spirit of Camaraderie - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 12, 2014 11:03 pm

Reviving an old thread!

No truer words have been said about our old HN. We were a whole team, we laughed together, we fought together, we bled together. I knew if I ever needed anything I could pop onto the forum and there will be support, a laugh, a bond.

We were a family. Albeit an odd one, for sure.As with any family we had our moments of bickering, but those moments passed and we carried on.

We didn't need to flaunt ourselves to each other to see who the 'bigger man' was. We didn't boast and sneer. We helped each other, cheered each other on.

Everyone had a vital role within the family, whether it was Nostrum being the grumpy uncle, SH the fatherly figure, Nyx the supportive sister.

Instead of a family, this is a community. Although it's a good one, it'll never have the warmth that the family had.

But maybe we can change that. Smile
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