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 Dark Ghost's Unsolved Mysteries File 2

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PostSubject: Dark Ghost's Unsolved Mysteries File 2   Dark Ghost's Unsolved Mysteries File 2 I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 02, 2012 9:48 pm

Her name was Elizabeth Short but you most likely know her as the The Black Dahlia

Dark Ghost's Unsolved Mysteries File 2 Elizabeth-short1947-2001Dark Ghost's Unsolved Mysteries File 2 ES1aDark Ghost's Unsolved Mysteries File 2 Black_Dahlia

Born July 29, 1924, in Hyde Park, Mass., Beth Short was daughter of Phoebe and Cleo Short. They soon moved to Medford, Mass.

Her legal name was Elizabeth Short (no middle name). While a child, many called her Betty, and as she matured, she preferred to be called Beth.

In 1929, Cleo disappeared, many believing he had committed suicide, as his empty car was found near a bridge. He later sent a letter to his wife, apologizing for leaving. Phoebe refused to allow him to return.

Beth matured quickly. She grew up to become a beautiful teenager - she looked older and more sophisticated than others her age.

As a child, Beth frequently attended movies with her mother. And later, the girl's goal was to work in movies.

At age 19, Beth ventured to Vallejo, Calif., to live with her father. The stay did not last long, however. Her father asked her to leave because he said she was lazy and stayed out late.
Near Santa Barbara was Beth's next stop. It was here where she was arrested for underage drinking. After her arrest and fingerprinting, police instructed the young woman to return home to Medford.
Dark Ghost's Unsolved Mysteries File 2 300px-Black_Dahlia_Mugshot
At one time she had gone home for a visit, but Beth was determined to be in movies, and returned to Hollywood.
It was mid-January, 1947, when Beth was last seen alive at the Biltmore Hotel. It was reported that she was to meet a gentleman. After leaving the hotel, she was never again seen alive.
On January 15, 1947 Beth's severed body was found by Betty Bersinger n the Crenshaw District. Mrs. Bersinger had been walking her daughter in the early morning when she noticed the body. While she called police immediately, she did not identify herself as the caller until later.

Below are ther crime scene photos. Be warned this pictures are extremely gruesome


The investigation of the Black Dahlia murder returned inconclusive results. While mutilated body of Elizabeth Short was drained off blood, there was hardly any at the crime scene leading investigators to conclusion that she was murdered elsewhere and dumped in that ditch after she was dead. The mortician concluded that her body was cut in half with a large butcher knife. Her death was caused by “hemorrhage and shock due to concussions of the brain and lacerations of the face.”

Autopsy report further details that face of Elizabeth Short had deep 3″ long laceration that extended laterally from right corner of her mouth and a 2.5″ long laceration that extended laterally from left corner of her mouth making her look as if she was smiling. Her body was bruised in several places, including head and neck but no evidence of trauma indicative of strangulation was found on trachea, the thyroid glands or hyoid bone.

Elizabeth Short has a small tattoo of a rose on her thigh. This tattoo was cut off by the murderer(s) and shoved up her vagina along with a lot of grass. Autopsy results also suggested that Elizabeth Short was sexually abused and sodomized both before death as well as post mortem. Her stomach was filled with all sorts of matter, including feces however no sperm was found anywhere on or near her body. Bruising suggests that Elizabeth Short was tortured prior to death as dead bodies don’t bruise.

Below are ther autopsy scene photos. Be warned this pictures are extremely gruesome


False Confessions
Among the several to falsely confess to the Black Dahlia murder are:

Joseph Dumais:
This corporal combat veteran was reported to military police by another soldier. The two had quarreled over money. After returning from a 42-day furlough, Dumais was found with bloodstains on his clothing. He also had a slew of newspaper clippings about the murder. Dumais, nonetheless, was fascinated that he might be a suspect, stating, "It is possible that I could have committed the murder. When I get drunk I get rough with women." Dumais was sent to a psychiatrist.

Daniel S. Vorhees:
This then-33-year-old former restaurant employee called the police, telling them to come get him. He was brought in, and he mumbled, "I killed her." But when asked about details, he replied, "Ah, I'm not going to talk to you anymore. I want to see my attorney." He was jailed - but not as a suspect - as a mental case.

John N. Andry:
This pharmascist boasted about his ability to cut up bodies. When the police arrested him, he first insisted he had killed Beth Short. Later, he said, "Well, I'm capable of doing it." Then he admitted that he was kidding.

A woman told police, "Elizabeth Short stole my man so I killed her and cut her up." Then, since she didn't know specifics, she admitted to having made the story up.

A man was arrested for intoxication after he couldn't even pick Beth Short out of an array of photographs.

A drunkard hopped from bar to bar, telphoning police, about the murder. Eventually a bartender held him for police.

The Black Dahlia Murder Theory

Last edited by Dark Ghost on Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Dark Ghost's Unsolved Mysteries File 2   Dark Ghost's Unsolved Mysteries File 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2012 1:52 am

i think im going to be sick.
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PostSubject: Re: Dark Ghost's Unsolved Mysteries File 2   Dark Ghost's Unsolved Mysteries File 2 I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 04, 2012 1:20 pm

Not that it was the most pleasant thing in the world to see, but didn't necessarily find this barf-worthy. I've seen lots of crazy things.

Anyway, thanks for sharing this case with us. I'll continue to read a bit more in to this and if I have any thoughts or questions, I'll post them here.
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PostSubject: Re: Dark Ghost's Unsolved Mysteries File 2   Dark Ghost's Unsolved Mysteries File 2 I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 10, 2012 8:06 pm

I am glad to share this.

I know that today that this case is still considered the most grousome murder the US has ever seen
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PostSubject: Re: Dark Ghost's Unsolved Mysteries File 2   Dark Ghost's Unsolved Mysteries File 2 I_icon_minitime

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