Tothian President & Founder of the Heroes Network
Posts : 5877 Join date : 2011-10-12 Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community
| Subject: English to Spanish Translations Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:26 pm | |
| Many times when you translate a phrase from English to Spanish, the literal translation may have a different meaning or may not be the correct way of saying the phrase in Spanish. We hope that these lists of the most popular Spanish phrases and Spanish words translated into English will be useful for beginning speakers of Spanish and help to avoid "dictionary Spanish" faux pas.
Hi / Hello = Hola Goodbye = Adios Good Morning = Buenas Días Good Afternoon = Buenas Tardes Good Evening = Buenas Noches
Thank you = Gracias Thank you very much = Muchas gracias You're welcome = De nada
Yes = Si No = No
0= Cero 1= Uno 2= Dos 3= Tres 4= Cuatro 5= Cinco 6= Seis 7= Siete 8= Ocho 9= Nueve 10= Diez
11= Once 12= Doce 13= Trece 14= Catorce 15= Quince 16= Dieciséis 17= Diecisiete 18= Dieciocho 19= Diecinueve 20= Veinte | |