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 4 Leadership Lessons from Captain America

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PostSubject: 4 Leadership Lessons from Captain America   4 Leadership Lessons from Captain America I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 10, 2012 3:20 am

I'm only going to post the relevant useful stuff from the blog post I'd found on this. I'll share the link which has the whole thing posted there.


4 Leadership Lessons From Captain America

4 Leadership Lessons from Captain America MV5BMTYzOTc2NzU3N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjY3MDE3NQ@@._V1._SY317_

Toughness and Sense of Duty
- The main character, Steve Rogers, is an undersized young man who spends a good deal of time getting beaten up by bullies. However, he never backs down because he knows that opens the door for more bullying. He also has an incredible sense of duty and obligation to serve in the war, so he keeps trying to enlist. He did not do this out of bravado. He earnestly wanted to fulfill his duty as a young American. Moral – Don’t back down in tough situations (not to be confused with a misguided “win at all costs” attitude) and nurture a Sense of Duty to become a better spouse, parent, friend, employer or employee.

Thinking Outside the Box
– Not everyone can be a poster child for athletics. However, sometimes having overwhelming strengths in one area can lead to weaknesses in other areas. We have all heard the expression “when the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail“. At one point in the movie, the drill sergeant challenges recruits to capture the flag at the top of a pole. Everyone scrambles to climb the pole even though the sergeant states that nobody ever captures the flag. Steve Rogers observes the spectacle, waits for everyone to give up, then calmly goes over and pulls the pin at the bottom of the flag pole. The flag pole comes down, and he calmly “captures the flag” while it is lying on the ground within easy reach! Moral – Always look at a problem from multiple angles versus only from the standpoint of your strengths.

At one point in the movie, the commanding officer wants to prove to the doctor who the real soldier is. He has seen this soldier out-perform everyone during training. As a test, he throws a fake grenade among the recruits, and everyone scatters…including his ideal soldier! Steve Rogers thinks as a protector and covers the grenade with his own body.

Moral – Sometimes the best comes out of us when we put others’ needs and safety above our own.
Magnify Your Good Traits The doctor in the movie spotted Steve Rogers because he saw a rare wholesomeness. He wasn’t looking for strength because he knew his secret formula would magnify all traits. If a person already had strength, but was selfish, bullying or self-serving, then the negative traits would be magnified just as much. Instead, he focused on a recruit who was a self-sacrificing protector with a big heart and strong sense of duty. Moral: Each day we have the opportunity to focus on the good and make decisions or model behavior that could have a positive impact. Doing so could make us heroes to the people closest to us…or perhaps to a complete stranger.
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
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PostSubject: Re: 4 Leadership Lessons from Captain America   4 Leadership Lessons from Captain America I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 10, 2012 3:58 am

While the message here would seem so simple and so obvious, it also seems so important and necessary to share with you all. The lessons taught in these movies can be very valuable to helping make people in to good Leaders AND Heroes (as the two can and do very often go together).
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Hazop Ranger

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4 Leadership Lessons from Captain America Empty
PostSubject: Re: 4 Leadership Lessons from Captain America   4 Leadership Lessons from Captain America I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 23, 2020 7:03 pm

Yes, Colonel America represents the American good boy that would join the Officers in the Army, but wasn't body-lifting his virtues yet... So he joins NCOs initially because of the war.
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PostSubject: Re: 4 Leadership Lessons from Captain America   4 Leadership Lessons from Captain America I_icon_minitime

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