| English to Czech Translations | |
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Tothian President & Founder of the Heroes Network
Posts : 5877 Join date : 2011-10-12 Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community
| Subject: English to Czech Translations Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:19 pm | |
| English Greetings | Czech Greetings: | Hi! | Ahoj. | Good morning! | Dobré ráno. | Good evening! | Dobrý večer. | Welcome! (to greet someone) | Vítej! (sing.) Vítejte (pl.) | How are you? | Jak se máš? (sing.) Jak se máte? (pl.) | I'm fine, thanks! | Mám se dobře, děkuji. (sing.) Máme se dobře, děkujeme. (pl.) | And you? | A ty? (sing.) A vy? (pl.) | Good/ So-So. | Dobře. / Nic moc. | Thank you (very much)! | Děkuji (pěkně). | You're welcome! (for "thank you") | Není zač. / Rádo se stalo. | Hey! Friend! | Ahoj kámo! (very informal) | I missed you so much! | Velmi jsi mi chyběl (a male person was missed) / chyběla (female). | What's new? | Co nového? | Nothing much | Nic moc. | Good night! | Dobrou noc! | See you later! | Na viděnou! | Good bye! | Na shledanou! |
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Tothian President & Founder of the Heroes Network
Posts : 5877 Join date : 2011-10-12 Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community
| Subject: Re: English to Czech Translations Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:20 pm | |
| Asking for Help and Directions |
| I'm lost | Ztratil / ztratila jsem se (m/f). | Can I help you? | Mohu ti (sing.) / vám (pl.) pomoci? | Can you help me? | Můžeš (sing.) / můžete (pl.) mi pomoci? | Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? | Kde jsou toalety? Kde je lékárna? | Go straight! then turn left/ right! | Jdi (sing.) / jděte (pl.) rovně. Potom odboč (sing.) / odbočte (pl.) doleva /doprava. | I'm looking for john. | Hledám Johna. | One moment please! | Okamžik, prosím. | Hold on please! (phone) | Počkejte, prosím. | How much is this? | Kolik to stojí? | Excuse me ...! (to ask for something) | Promiňte, … | Excuse me! ( to pass by) | Dovolíte? | Come with me! | Pojď (sing.) / pojďte (pl.) se mnou! |
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Tothian President & Founder of the Heroes Network
Posts : 5877 Join date : 2011-10-12 Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community
| Subject: Re: English to Czech Translations Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:20 pm | |
| How to Introduce Yourself Do you speak (English/ Czech)? | Mluvíš (sing.) / mluvíte (pl.) anglicky / česky? | Just a little. | Jen trochu. | What's your name? | Jak se jmenuješ (sing.) / jmenujete (pl.)? | My name is ... | Jmenuji se… | Mr.../ Mrs.…/ Miss… | Pán / paní / slečna | Nice to meet you! | Těší mne. | You're very kind! | Jsi (sing.) / jste (pl.) velmi laskavý (m) / laskavá (f). | Where are you from? | Odkud jsi (sing.) / jste (pl.)? | I'm from (the U.S/ the Czech Republic) | Jsem z USA / České republiky. | I'm (American) | Jsem Američan (m) / Američanka (f) / Čech (m) / Češka (f). | Where do you live? | Kde žiješ (sing.) / žijete (pl.)? | I live in (the U.S/ the Czech Republic) | Žiji v USA / v České republice. | Did you like it here? | Líbilo se ti (sing.) / vám (pl.) zde? | the Czech Republic is a wonderful country | Česká republika je překrásná země. | What do you do for a living? | Čím se živíš (sing.) / živíte (pl.)? | I work as a (translator/ businessman) | Pracuji jako překladatel (m) / překladatelka (f). Podnikám. | I like Czech | Líbí se mi čeština. | I've been learning Czech for 1 month | Učím se česky jeden měsíc. | Oh! That's good! | To je dobré! | How old are you? | Kolik let ti (sing.) / vám (pl.) je? | I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old. | Je mi dvacet / třicet let. | I have to go | Musím jít. | I will be right back! | Hned se vrátím. |
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Tothian President & Founder of the Heroes Network
Posts : 5877 Join date : 2011-10-12 Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community
| Subject: Re: English to Czech Translations Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:21 pm | |
| Wish Someone Something |
| Good luck! | Hodně štěstí. | Happy birthday! | Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám. | Happy new year! | Hodně štěstí do nového roku. | Merry Christmas! | Veselé vánoce. | |
Congratulations! | Blahopřeji. | Enjoy! (for meals...) | Dobrou chuť. | I'd like to visit the Czech Republic one day | Rád (m) / ráda (f) bych jednoho dne navštívil (m) / navštívila (f) Českou republiku. | Say hi to John for me | Pozdrav (sing.) / pozdravte (pl.) ode mne Johna. | Bless you (when sneezing) | Na zdraví! | Good night and sweet dreams! | Dobrou noc! |
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Tothian President & Founder of the Heroes Network
Posts : 5877 Join date : 2011-10-12 Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community
| Subject: Re: English to Czech Translations Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:21 pm | |
| Solving a Misunderstanding |
| I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something) | Promiňte? | Sorry (for a mistake) | Promiňt | No Problem! | Nic se nestalo. | Can You Say It Again? | Můžeš (sing.) / můžete (pl.) to zopakovat? | Can You Speak Slowly? | Můžeš (sing.) / můžete mluvit pomaleji? | Write It Down Please! | Prosím napiš (sing.) / napište (pl.) to. | I Don't Understand! | Nerozumím. | I Don't Know! | Nevím. | I Have No Idea. | Nemám tušení. | What's That Called In Czech? | Jak se to řekne česky? | What Does "gato" Mean In English? | Co znamená “lingua” v angličtině? | How Do You Say "Please" In Czech? | Jak se česky řekne “please”? | What Is This? | Co to je? | My Czech is bad. | Moje čeština je špatná. | I need to practice my Czech | Potřebuji procvičovat svou češtinu. | Don't worry! | Nedělej (sing.) / nedělejte (pl.) si starosti. |
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Tothian President & Founder of the Heroes Network
Posts : 5877 Join date : 2011-10-12 Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community
| Subject: Re: English to Czech Translations Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:24 pm | |
| Czech Expressions and Words |
| Good/ Bad/ So-So. | Dobrý/á/é. Špatný/á/é. (m/f/n) Nic moc. | Big/ Small | Velký/á/é. Malý/á/é. (m/f/n) | Today/ Now | Dnes /nyní. | Tomorrow/ Yesterday | Zítra /včera. | Yes/ No | Ano / ne. | Here you go! (when giving something) | Prosím. | Do you like it? | Líbí se ti (sing.) / vám (to)? | I really like it! | Opravdu se mi to líbí. | I'm hungry/ thirsty. | Mám hlad / mám žízeň. | In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night. | Ráno / večer / v noci. | This/ That. Here/There | Tento/tato/toto. Tamten/tamta/tamto. (m/f/n) Tady/tam. | Me/ You. Him/ Her. | Já / ty. On /ona. | Really! | Opravdu! | Look! | Podívej! (sing.) / Podívejte! (pl.) | Hurry up! | Pospěš si (sing.) / Pospěšte si (pl.)
| What? Where? | Co? Kde? | What time is it? | Kolik je hodin? | It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm. | Je 10 hodin. Je 19.30 / půl osmé večer. | Give me this! | Dej mi to (sing.) / Dejte mi to (pl.) | I love you! | Miluji tě. | I feel sick. | Je mi špatně. | I need a doctor | Potřebuji lékaře. |
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Tothian President & Founder of the Heroes Network
Posts : 5877 Join date : 2011-10-12 Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community
| Subject: Re: English to Czech Translations Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:25 pm | |
| NumbersOne, Two, Three | Jeden/jedna/jedno, dva/dvě/dva (m/f/n), tři. | Four, Five, Six | Čtyři, pět, šest. | Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten | Sedm, osm, devět, deset |
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| Subject: Re: English to Czech Translations | |
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| English to Czech Translations | |