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 Welcome to the Leadership Section

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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
President & Founder of the Heroes Network

Posts : 5877
Join date : 2011-10-12
Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior
Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community

Welcome to the Leadership Section Empty
PostSubject: Welcome to the Leadership Section   Welcome to the Leadership Section I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 01, 2011 6:22 pm

Hello, and welcome to the Leadership section of the Heroes Network forum,

I've taken a Leadership class in my military high school, and also been in various leadership roles over the years, as well as studied it on my own.

There are various traits of a Leader, but two things I've learned that can make someone a more skilled Leader.

1- Knowledge. They would have to be smart enough for others to go to for advice, and be able to teach others about things that is relevant to what is being led, exactly.

2- Experience. While new Leaders eventually need to start somewhere (often as someone independently skilled in those certain areas, or as a follower, and also team mate), the more experience a Leader has, the more effective they could be at certain things. Unfortunately, some could easily let the power get to them, and some could instead be likely to learn from their mistakes over time. And some both in some ways. Each Leader can be considered to have their flaws (not to get all religious here but I'd personally like to exclude Jesus from being considered a flawed Leader) as well as their traits.

If you're here on this forum, that means you've taken the time to be a part of something constructive, and because I believe that we can all teach and learn from each other here, we can all be Leaders in different ways, not just in this community but also with other things in person as well.

Here in this section, we can talk about Leadership, discuss the traits that make a good Leader, traits that make a bad Leader. Theories, quotes, ideas, anything that can help those reading the posts in this section learn more about becoming a better, more effective Leader. And also serve as reminders, to those who are in Leadership positions, that they should never settle for what they are, but always continuously aspire to be better, and do greater things, and more effective help those that are part of what ever it is you are leading or wanting to lead.
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