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 The arbitration of Hazop Ranger.

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Hazop Ranger

Hazop Ranger

Posts : 490
Join date : 2013-08-25
Age : 32
Location : Illinois; U.S.A.
Titles : RLSH. 7 of Spades. High School DIPLOMA Dabrowski; Kawaler of the Kingdom of Poland. Halo 3 Field Major.
Mission : G.I. JOE patriotism, U.N.S.C./RuneScape\Neopets/City of Heroes\Roleplayerguild peering, F.E.A.R. synergy, and maintaining being an noble Earthling.

The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. Empty
PostSubject: The arbitration of Hazop Ranger.   The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2020 3:59 pm

I'm Hazop Ranger. I'm a third-rate B-CLASS Polish-American of the United States of America. I stole and skateboarded as I partied before quitting at 23 years of age. I quit because I started to work; opening up reserves of emotion from RPGs, morals, and noble dedication. 

It has been 5-6 years since then. I never forgot how hidden everyone aspired to be on drugs, so while studying animals to defeat "spirit-animals" by finding the solidarity of which animal is my animal-soul (thus hazoping it into my favorite animal) - I mailed a letter to the White House for an autograph, and to patriotly inform of my neighborhoods corruption; I've moved to this former neighborhood from my High School neighborhood - conquering it by influence. But with my party experiance, being Polish-Amercan, that meant studying heraldry to learn forestry\science further or be a Low-Lander and role-play swordsmanship to stay noble. 

I've decided to continue my studies with a community collge, and sustain through peer-pressure to be indifferent by the indivisible allegiance I pledged to the United States. So, to end "new world" ambiguity I proove I was never an Out-Lander by quitting Heroes Network for the greater good love, devotion, might and stealth.

Of course not until I make my avatar the costumed version of me.... Cant be wary of smythe federations. I'll be deleting former posts and editting corrections until that fateful time.

That won't be quick as currently with modelling my room to suit prestige of my comics, or inspirational shows like "Endurance" or "NICKELODEON GUTS" has me ended up with using the WWW with a T.V. remote, creating a skateboad throne and first name basis stuff. And Ialso master the intrgue of quantum-hyper-lethal-vectors as a swordsman. Not only does it help me to focus on muscling thuroughly and limber up for future dexterities like stretching, and acrobatics for determination and regulating pride through gravity to synergize myself for greater things like being social. It also ennobles my creative writing on focusing on permant-roleplaying characters.-So, I'm busy.
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Hazop Ranger

Hazop Ranger

Posts : 490
Join date : 2013-08-25
Age : 32
Location : Illinois; U.S.A.
Titles : RLSH. 7 of Spades. High School DIPLOMA Dabrowski; Kawaler of the Kingdom of Poland. Halo 3 Field Major.
Mission : G.I. JOE patriotism, U.N.S.C./RuneScape\Neopets/City of Heroes\Roleplayerguild peering, F.E.A.R. synergy, and maintaining being an noble Earthling.

The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. Empty
PostSubject: Re: The arbitration of Hazop Ranger.   The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2021 5:15 pm

I don't need to make a costume. With practicing my nobility by resolving my imperialism to a neutral reserved protocol in the WWW I have mastered enough to get control of what I was lacking to mentally be able to progress to this procedure.

For the U.S.A. I do not need to make a costume as you, Tothian, are a Canadian, and the U.S.A. tried to beseach itself with Great Britain, not Canada. Therefore, what's in order for me to quit properly is to 1) call you a "bitch", Bitch. You lied to have yourself rejuvenated on this website, one that is dying- no it doesn't matter how many fraud accounts you will create, no you are lying principally. I did not send you an email. that wicca thing you had posted somewhere before on this website, I tried to find it for this moment, but alas you must of deleted it.

2) I played for England better. I will prove it now; The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. Questc10 This is the RuneScape Quest Cape of Achievement's emote. I aquired it while training myself for my inevitable return to RuneScape 3 where I will attain my only 99 to 120, Ranged. 

But there on OldSchool RuneScape to reimburse myself with what knowledge was needed to continue through the community was to roleplay as a Kinshra Knight to get the Quest Cape to fulfill attaining the recollection of thoughts to use for the return to RuneScape 3. I will not show those. In my continuance of the roleplay I happened to achieve other accom plishments, such as Player-Killing as the Kinshra Knight. The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. 210The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. 310The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. 410The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. 510The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. 910The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. 1110The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. 1310The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. 3410The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. 99_110The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. 222_110. Then I played on a servor world that had my account start over, to suppliment the new experience system, and I achieved the 99 Attack Cape of Accomplishment, there. To get to it I used what mindset I was playing with, the Kinshra Knight one, and after I accomplished the 99 I stopped being the roleplay, having remembered what virtues I was intent on in accomplishing. The arbitration of Hazop Ranger. 99atta10. Allowing me to play as a regular Black Knight, like the other players do. Initially I played into an Archer, not a Frontiersman, so I allowed myself that roleplay, there.

That's a better quit than getting motocross armor, or even the Ready For Battle Cape and making a selfie. 

I quit to honor myself, and fulfill heraldic legacies, by protecting my country, Poland, and the United States of America.
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