Howdy y'all. Detox here. Your friendly Rocky Mountain RLSH.
I'm vaguely in the Boulder metro region, and I started patrolling after I met Tothian online.
For a long time, I didn't think anyone actually put on a uniform like ours and went out to stop evil in its tracks, but y'all showed me that normal folks can and do do this, and inspired me to do so as well.
I seem to be one of the few female RLSHes, but I'm not letting that get in the way of anything.
I practice multiple martial arts and parkour, am proficient in weapons usage and disarms (though I'd never carry anything lethal on patrol), and have a decent background in computer security.
If you ever want to patrol out this way, you'll know me by the twin dragons on my jacket.
I go by detox, because Anti-Venom was already taken, and I have a significant background in neurochemistry and medicine.
Tothian, thanks for welcoming me into the fold.
Semper Fi, buddy. I'm looking forward to getting to know my fellow heroes!