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Hazop Ranger

Hazop Ranger

Posts : 490
Join date : 2013-08-25
Age : 32
Location : Illinois; U.S.A.
Titles : RLSH. 7 of Spades. High School DIPLOMA Dabrowski; Kawaler of the Kingdom of Poland. Halo 3 Field Major.
Mission : G.I. JOE patriotism, U.N.S.C./RuneScape\Neopets/City of Heroes\Roleplayerguild peering, F.E.A.R. synergy, and maintaining being an noble Earthling.

LOVE Empty
PostSubject: LOVE   LOVE I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 08, 2018 9:56 pm

Fight for Love: More precious than riches, fame, or glory, true love is the font from which all that is good in the world springs. When you find love, either your own or that of others, do all that you can to preserve, protect, and enrich it.

Love is Love: Appreciate all forms of love, so long as the expression of that love does not unjustly harm others. A love for land or ideals is just as valid as love for another person. Should you find that you disagree with a specific, non harmful expression of love on a personal level, find it within yourself to respect its sentiments.

Love Begets Love, Love Begets Life: All life is born of love one way or another, whether weak or strong, good or evil, dedicated or of mere convenience- and all life has the potential to bring more love into the world. Do not end life without pressing reason, as an ended life itself can bring no love.

Prove Love: Many doubt the power of love, or even the existence of real, true love. To these and other people, be as love itself, and inspire love in all things, of all things. Be the proof in love that they require.
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