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 The Root of Evil, the Fall of Man

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The Root of Evil, the Fall of Man Empty
PostSubject: The Root of Evil, the Fall of Man   The Root of Evil, the Fall of Man I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 24, 2014 4:15 pm

The clever one will be able to learn a significant deal from the video you are about to see. Some though may see it as simply a sadistic experiment on young students, but I know better. Despite the severe error in Dr. Zimbardo's experiment, it taught me so much about what makes "evil"; what made the people who kidnapped me all those years ago evil; it showed me why humans do some of the horrible things they do; it teaches the truth: Anyone is capable of these horrible things; it is tremendously easy to get sucked into evil, everyone; even the best of us, can fall. It's chemistry. The following video may be graphic for some; viewer discretion is advised.


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