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Network for Real Life Superheroes to have a place to socialize, network, and also teach and learn from each other.
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4 posters


Posts : 7
Join date : 2014-06-15
Age : 52
Mission : Voice for the voiceless.

Basilisk Empty
PostSubject: Basilisk   Basilisk I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 26, 2014 9:59 pm

My name is Basilisk.  Even though I started in 2009, I trained since 1992.  I know aspects of the criminal justice system, especially how flawed it is since it works on being political rather than a public service.  But like a dear friend, I support it thru thick & thin.  I train in martial arts everyday of the week.  I learn various strategies & ideas on how to approach & take down an opponent.  Every Christmas, I give toys to under-privileged children, a tradition I hold proud.  I want this goal to show teeth that what I do shows an impact in the community.  I'm not crime fighting, I would like to be an advocate against bullying & domestic violence, as well as fighting for crime victims' rights.  I'm not afraid to get dirty if I have to in order to get the job done. I hope never to forget why I do this and who I do this for.  If you call me Batman, I take it as a sincere compliment.  But I am different than him in that I know that people don't have same outlook as him, and I can accept that.  I work alone, but I would like to have a team-up.  Hope anybody doesn't mind have a hero who stinks at volleyball (think of it in terms of teamwork.)  I want to make this community and those I serve proud.  I don't like calling myself a super-hero, just an unofficial public servant.

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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
President & Founder of the Heroes Network

Posts : 5877
Join date : 2011-10-12
Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior
Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community

Basilisk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Basilisk   Basilisk I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 27, 2014 3:19 pm


Welcome back to the Heroes Network! One of us!

I remember you from October, 2008. It's good to see you back on this newer forum we got.
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Former Vice President of the Heroes Network
Former Vice President of the Heroes Network

Posts : 535
Join date : 2011-12-01
Location : In the Shadows of the Carolinas
Titles : The Umbra Obscurum, DS, The DarkShadow, He who wields the Blade of the Whirlwind, the Lightning Blade

Basilisk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Basilisk   Basilisk I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2014 6:58 pm

Welcome back old friend.

DarkShadow Rising...
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Hazop Ranger

Hazop Ranger

Posts : 490
Join date : 2013-08-25
Age : 32
Location : Illinois; U.S.A.
Titles : RLSH. 7 of Spades. High School DIPLOMA Dabrowski; Kawaler of the Kingdom of Poland. Halo 3 Field Major.
Mission : G.I. JOE patriotism, U.N.S.C./RuneScape\Neopets/City of Heroes\Roleplayerguild peering, F.E.A.R. synergy, and maintaining being an noble Earthling.

Basilisk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Basilisk   Basilisk I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 30, 2014 1:26 am

Welcome again
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Basilisk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Basilisk   Basilisk I_icon_minitime

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