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PostSubject: WATCH OUT MANHATTAN   WATCH OUT MANHATTAN I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2014 3:20 am

Obama just made you guys a prime target for a nuclear attack. Start watching Fox News; you need to be more aware of what's happening around the world now. If there is a threat you need to get out of the city ASAP. Godspeed heroes.

Oh, and for the macho/grandiose idealists who want to scream "I shalln't run away! I will stay to protect my people!" you should know the full gravity of your descision: There won't be a city anymore, people are going to die from Radiation Poisoning; the ones who weren't lucky enough to die in the flash of light, quickly and instantly. If you get radiation poisoning, the first signs will be vomiting, your internal organs will begin to shut down, and boils will cover your body, because frankly, your cooking from the inside out. Have no delusions of granduer; there is nothing honorable in staying to face an impossible threat. Get yourself, your family, your friends, and everyone you can as far away from the city as possible. Even then, your chances aren't good. If a wind blows the clouds over the city even just a hundred miles and it rains nuclear fallout will contaminate any people, water sources, and crops in the area. Start watching the television series "Jericho" There's two seasons available on DVD, the government didn't want a third being made, but shortly a graphic novel came out entitled "Jericho: Season 3" Get them all; there's vital information in them for surviving a nuclear attack. Great story too. This is serious, watch your six out there.


Stay true. Stay free. Stay safe.

--Hero Man
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