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 THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please

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PostSubject: THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please   THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 21, 2014 11:53 am



- Spring
The Fox debuts. He's the very first Real Life Superhero.


Night Rider, Phantom Avenger and Ms. Mystery start their careers.


Max Mercury goes active.


The Scorpion (NightStalker) starts training.


Night Rider writes a book and invents the term "Real Life Superhero".


Max Mercury temporarily retires to raise his sons.


The Scorpion begins.


Captain Midnight (Master Legend) begins.


- January
Ten begins.

- April
Tothian is born.

- Autumn
SuperBarrio Gomez begins.


Spider Child (Entomo) begins as "scout" in a zone called 'The Valley'.


- June
Spider Child ends his brief run.
DarkShadow first gets inspiration.


- October
Danger Woman was introduced at a Halloween Party.

Danger Woman made her first karaoke concert debut in a karaoke contest, that was sponsored by Capitol Records. Her Performance of the Beatles Hit, Yesterday, earned her a standing ovation! (11/14)


DarkShadow starts gathering "unusual information and data".

Watchman starts.


- Spring
Laserskater debuts.

- June
Danger Woman debuts at Dragon Con.


Ricochet (Barns) begins.

- August

- September
Superhero begins.


Captain Lightning conceives his Superheroic "persona".
Mr. Ravenblade starts patrolling as "unnamed".


Night-Tech (Anax) begins.


- May
Miss Amazing (Amazonia) begins as unnamed patroller.


- March
Wall Creeper is active.
Mr. Ravenblade starts thinking about his uniform.

- Autumn
Unnamed patroller (Entomo) operates in Naples.


Moonlight Cicada starts patrolling his neighborhood as "unnamed".

- February
Max Mercury again becomes active. (02/26)

- May
Black Arrow starts patrols and begins to develop her heroic identity.

- June
Toshiken starts to patrol on and off.
Winter Knight begins patrolling Oahu as "unnamed".


Black Arrow joins online communities.
Dreadknot starts as a masked hero.

- March
Phoenix joins the community.

- April
Green Scorpion begins.

- August
Nightfall creates his heroic name.

- November
Nightfall appears online.
Slapjack begins.


Dark Guardian debuts.
Squeegeeman debuts.
Cloud Starchaser debuts.
The Cat of Portland (Zetaman) debuts.
Vague begins as "unnamed".
The Crimson Fist patrols as "unnamed".

- Summer
Red Arrow begins.

- September
Phoenix goes active. (09/13)
Point Guardian (Hardwire) begins patrolling
Nyx joins the community.

- April
Black Arrow starts to take some time off.

- December
Black Arrow stops taking some time off.
Guardian Angel (Zeitgeist) starts and do some patrols, then drop his activity for a while.


- February
Longshot (Winter Knight).
Point Guardian officially sheds his former persona and becomes Hardwire.

- March
Entomo The Insect-Man begins. (03/02)
Zeitgeist begins.
Dreadknot starts on the internet.

- July
Dr. Presenza debuts.

- August
Blue Arrow.
Hardwire changes base of operations to Greensboro, NC.

- September
Captain Lightning gets his new uniform and begins.
Lupine also starts activity.


- February
Crimson Fist begins.
Runebringer begins preparation.

- March
Big Simon (already using that name) starts watching the RLSH community.
The Crimson Fist debuts. (03/25)

- Spring
Vague introduces himself as "Grey Wolf".

- June
Watchman comes back after semi-retirement.

- July
Kid Paragon will go active.

- August
Longshot becomes Winter Knight.

- Autumn
Vague begins.

- October
Runebringer goes active.

- October
Thanatos begins. (10/31)
'Great Lakes Heroes Guild' formed by RazorHawk, Geist, and The Watchman.
Hardwire attends 'Superhero Anonymous 2'; becomes involved with the foundations of SA as a legitimate non-profit organization.

- December
Ricochet becomes Barns, the Owl-Man.
Shadow Wolf begins.


- January
Motor-Mouth begins.

- February
MoonDragon begins.

Raven joins online community.

- March
NN begins.

- April
Howler begins. (04/25)
Raven meets Winter Knight.

Raven starts patrolling.
Big Simon joins the community, using the name "Zen", offering support to members of the community. (05/01)
Shadowfly begins. (05/30)

- June
Big Simon drops the name "Zen" takes on the moniker he's been known by for nearly a decade online. He starts conditioning, vowing to do more within the movement than Hero Support.
Moonlight Cicada adopts his current name and does his first patrol.

- October
Mr. Jack begins.

Raptor begins.


- January
Dark Ghost begins. (01/31)

- March
Blue Phoenix begins.

- April
Switchblade begins. (4/15)

- June
Under Entomo's guidance, a new team of Italian Real Life Superheroes is finally formed: 'Rivendicatori' (Vindicators). Entomo, Dr. Presenza, Howler, Morte, Carontes, Diavolo Azzurro, ItaliaNinja, Fobos, Lunar Veil, Giustiziere Nero. Most of the members debuted in early 2010.
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Join date : 2012-05-23

THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please   THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 21, 2014 11:54 am

Conceived and written by Entomo.

Add yourselves, colleagues.

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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
President & Founder of the Heroes Network

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Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior
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THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please   THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 21, 2014 5:04 pm

February 2007 - Heroes Network is born

December 2011 - Heroes Network is reborn.
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THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please   THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 22, 2014 12:49 am

Winter, 2012, Hero Man of Alaska is born, public debut in Winter of 2013.
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Posts : 21
Join date : 2014-02-01
Titles : Tri edge, Agent Nightmare, 9907, The kid with a bat, Shady, Hellish Nightmare, Nightmare the angry kid
Mission : Neutralize enemy gangsters

THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please   THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 22, 2014 2:34 am


Nightmare saw the rlsh forum (November)

Peacekeepers (ACFA) was birn

Joined RLSH online


Peacekeepers became ACFA

Vengeance, Black sentry (Black Knight), blue backup joins the ACFA

At the same year, Black sentry became Agent Black Knight

At the same year, the ACFA began their operations


Nightmare kicked everyone in his team due to Black Knight's glory seeking, repetitive offense, and other crappy acts that will make you lunch his face including saying stupid things to any female we bump into

Nightmare kicked the Blacklight team in ACFA since they were not active, and he also kicked the hellhound team. The only member in his team was protogenoi and him.
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Join date : 2012-04-09

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PostSubject: Re: THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please   THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 22, 2014 7:01 pm

2007 -- Neurocybe'X begins
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PostSubject: Re: THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please   THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 24, 2014 10:26 am

Neurocybe'x wrote:
2007 -- Neurocybe'X begins

I remember you.
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Hazop Ranger

Hazop Ranger

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Join date : 2013-08-25
Age : 32
Location : Illinois; U.S.A.
Titles : RLSH. 7 of Spades. High School DIPLOMA Dabrowski; Kawaler of the Kingdom of Poland. Halo 3 Field Major.
Mission : G.I. JOE patriotism, U.N.S.C./RuneScape\Neopets/City of Heroes\Roleplayerguild peering, F.E.A.R. synergy, and maintaining being an noble Earthling.

THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please   THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 24, 2014 10:09 pm

Hazop Ranger started 2-15-2012

Joined heroesnetwork 8-25-2013

Active 1-12-2018

HAZOPed 11-7-2020

Last edited by Hazop Ranger on Sat Nov 07, 2020 3:36 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Silver Eagle

Silver Eagle

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Join date : 2014-03-04
Age : 34
Location : Western tip of NC. In the mountains.
Titles : None currently.
Mission : To help others in need, protect the innocent and those who can't protect themselves, stand up against tyrants, and fight for freedom.

THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please   THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 27, 2014 5:36 pm



I wondered why nobody was actually trying to act like a superhero in an actual "costume" after watching umpteen Smallville episodes. (Didn't have a CLUE about RLSH at the time) and came up with "The Silver Eagle" on my own. At first I imagined a Batman suit with reverse colors with a black suit and grey bat on my chest and calling myself ShadowBat. But it later morphed into a bird and "The Silver Eagle".


Discovered RLSH by accident looking for YouTube videos of a "Real Life Spiderman" that climbed walls in real life like said superhero. Looked into the forums and just read posts for a LONG while.


November (I think.)

Joined therlsh.net and Team Justice forums.



My parents found out that I was on the forums and was talking to Master Legend on the phone and by e-mail and they forced me off the forums and made me stop talking to Master Legend because they thought both he and RLSH were crazy and dangerous. I stopped the forums for the longest time but it only took a couple of weeks for me to secretly start talking to Master Legend again.



My parents found out AGAIN that I was talking to Master Legend. They thought that it was all by e-mail but in reality by that point it was almost all by phone with a few scattered e-mails and I was forced to stop. My mom didn't even want me to say goodbye or give any indication that I was cutting off contact but I managed to text him and let him know what was going on. He understood and said that he was sorry that it had turned out that way but he didn't want to cause any trouble for me.



I moved out on my own and started back on the forum again (Team Justice had dissolved by that point) and tried to contact Master Legend again but both the numbers that I had for him were old and no good anymore. I finally got him on Facebook after getting an account as "Silver Eagle" (I had been going by New Here previously). He gave me his new number and we talk occasionally on the phone but it's mostly through Facebook messages now.


Started a journal for my patrol logs and training logs and personal thoughts about RLSH related things and started making my uniform that I am still working on now almost a year later. It's almost done but I still have a few more things to do on it.


Started training at a local dojo doing Tae Kwon Do.


Early March

Made friends with Tothian, The Medic, and Bee Sting on Facebook and joined The Heroes Network.

March 20th.

Tested up to my second belt in Tae Kwon Do.

That's all currently. Will update when there's something to add.
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
President & Founder of the Heroes Network

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Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior
Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community

THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please   THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 30, 2014 4:35 am

Silver Eagle,

Costumes are for trick or treaters. Not superheroes. Anything BUT the c-word. As in suit, uniform, outfit, gear, attire, armor, etc. - just anything but the c-word.

As for that one forum you mentioned, one of them doesn't actually count - and the other one which does count was called the Master Legend Army. That's where you and I met 3 years ago although we never really talked directly there. We did first talk a month or two ago.


you forgot Ecliptico's grandfather "Silver Star". And also my great uncle "Shine". World War 2 Superheroes.
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Silver Eagle

Silver Eagle

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Join date : 2014-03-04
Age : 34
Location : Western tip of NC. In the mountains.
Titles : None currently.
Mission : To help others in need, protect the innocent and those who can't protect themselves, stand up against tyrants, and fight for freedom.

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PostSubject: Re: THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please   THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 30, 2014 11:05 am

I believe that I put the only mention of "costume" in quotation marks to indicate how I was thinking at the time and I was on all three forums. The Master Legend Army was a forum I joined after I joined the Team Justice forum. You weren't on there I don't think. Symbiote and Master Legend were the moderators and MAYBE Superhero too. The site was from the brief time when they were a team.
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Darkest Knight

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Age : 56
Location : Panama City, Florida
Mission : Crime fighting/awareness, education

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PostSubject: Re: THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please   THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 05, 2014 1:45 am

Darkest Knight started patrolling downtown Fayetteville, NC for muggers.
Moved to Panama City, Fl continued patrolling.
2008 heard rumors of World Super Heros Registry
2014 joined heroes network a became a true RLSH
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The Wall Creeper

The Wall Creeper

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PostSubject: Re: THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please   THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 05, 2014 5:44 pm

Tothian, maybe you can write out the best way to explain 2008 and our group, the oracle team, and dispatching mixed with patrolling became useful.

Entomo, I miss you brother, I'm so glad you made this! You're the best historian.
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
President & Founder of the Heroes Network

Posts : 5877
Join date : 2011-10-12
Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior
Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community

THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please   THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 06, 2014 6:52 pm

Silver Eagle,
Ah I see. I forget if I was on that forum. I know I was on the Master Legend Army.

Darkest Knight,
One does not simply just become an RLSH. They simply do what needs to be done. When you patrolled, that is what counted.

Wall Creeper,
Those were awesome times. We had constant communication, and really bonded as a team should. It was you, me, and Nyx. Also Shaaaaadow Haaaaare, and Master Legend, Dreizehn, Slapjack, and while Nostrum wasn't on the team and was more skeptical in nature, he sort of just hung around like a poop trophy we kept on the wall to stink up the place with his rudeness and inappropriateness and we loved him for that. We had the perfect balance of being serious and professional, and also joking around too. We had fun and we got things done.
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PostSubject: Re: THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please   THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please I_icon_minitime

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THE RLSH Chronology - add yourself please
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