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 Fellow Heroes...I give you, the Enemy of Mankind.

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Fellow Heroes...I give you, the Enemy of Mankind. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fellow Heroes...I give you, the Enemy of Mankind.   Fellow Heroes...I give you, the Enemy of Mankind. - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 03, 2014 8:05 am

I was primarily referring to the story of Sodom and Gomorah, said God destroyed the cities because of whores and unholy men or whatever; I know prositution was a big thing; I personally don't have much of a problem with it in the first place and so counting that as a reason to destroy the cities is pretty crazy in my mind. Selling things isn't illegal, sex between consenting adults isn't illegal, why is selling sex between consenting adults illegal? (A little off topic haha).

On Martial Law; I'm not outright against it. I think there's a time and a place for it and they are few and far between, usually involving a massive attack on the earth or the country, in such a situation Martial Law I feel would be issued to help maintain order in the new world of chaos and anarchy and help restore the country; at least that's what it should be used for. I have a feeling though Obama is going to use it as a safety net, which is insane. And yeah, I may be a little....out there myself, but I'm not a lunatic haha; there's just a time and a place for martial law andit should never be seen as a solution; only as a tool to help restore the country at least to the way it used to be in the event of a mass time of crisis. Could be giant meteor shower, could be foreign invasion, could be alien invasion, we really can't know for sure, ut martial law I feel is sorta like a gun; it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. I think we all have a point at which we would prefer martial law over the current shitstorm unfolding around us lol. I personally would be happy and thrilled for military personell to come set up shop in my hometown in the event of an alien invasion or some crazy nazi army trying to take over the world; I'd feel fairly safe with them around haha. XD
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Fellow Heroes...I give you, the Enemy of Mankind.
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