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 Warrior type

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5 posters

Warrior type
Warrior type I_vote_lcap33%Warrior type I_vote_rcap
 33% [ 4 ]
Martial Artist
Warrior type I_vote_lcap25%Warrior type I_vote_rcap
 25% [ 3 ]
Warrior type I_vote_lcap0%Warrior type I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Warrior type I_vote_lcap0%Warrior type I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Warrior type I_vote_lcap17%Warrior type I_vote_rcap
 17% [ 2 ]
Warrior type I_vote_lcap17%Warrior type I_vote_rcap
 17% [ 2 ]
Comedy Relief
Warrior type I_vote_lcap8%Warrior type I_vote_rcap
 8% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 12

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Warrior type Empty
PostSubject: Warrior type   Warrior type I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 17, 2014 5:38 am

This is just for fun. Helps us understand ourselves and each other. It could be your favorite type, or the type you most relate to.

A lot of people would pick too many options if I made it multiple choice. So I'm just gonna make this poll 1 option per vote. But you could talk about it in this thread if you have other roles you feel are also fitting for you.

Martial Artist
Comedy Relief
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
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Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior
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Warrior type Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior type   Warrior type I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 17, 2014 5:40 am

I voted Strategist. The Leader types seem to be the types I can most relate to. But even when not doing that, I tend to think in terms of strategy a lot.

It doesn't mean that other of those roles haven't fit for me neither. But Strategist seemed most fitting for me.
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Warrior type Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior type   Warrior type I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 17, 2014 8:06 am

Same here; strategist as the dominant one. Not so much as in a team leader kind of way....more like a Machiavelian way. I can form and execute months of planning in a manner that no one even notices anything happened, such as the Juneau Mission last year, my greatest achievment as an RLSH so far. I pretty much just stole millions of dollars from a real life supervillain known as the Director. Months of planning and preparation and four days to execute; almost got stranded in Juneau Though because my wallet was stolen; it had my ID in it and my plane ticket. The only way out of Juneau is by plane. I was getting ready to pack together a pack but decided to use my brain power to find a way to get on a plane within the next couple of hours or I was going to be screwed, I'd have to swim, hike, climb, and hitchhike hundreds of miles across the alaskan wilderness back to Delta Junction. Wasn't looking forward to it but I was prepared to do it.

The next one I vite is Paranormal, but in a more Scientific Warrior type. At that point I knew that there was a copy of another ID and my birth certificate somewhere in our house, but it had been years since we had to pull it out. I got my iPod and turned it onto a track I uploaded a while back for hypnosis, self hypnosis to be exact. I had to quickly put myself into a trance, navigate the recesses of my mind and locate those documents in our house. I ingested a good dose of marijuana to help loosen and relax my mind and unlock the creative and philosophical thought processes. It's a really trippy experience combined with the hypnosis and biofeedback to make sure I didn't go completely unconscious and get lost in the dreamspace. I eventually located the documents and felt this was where they were located for sure and then I saw the bouncing red ball; a trigger that I programmed into my brain to let me know when I;m dreaming, so I threw myself down the stairs of our house and jolted upright in the fluffy bed of the hotel back in Juneau. I looked at the clock, 15 minutes had passed but it felt like a lot longer. I felt like I just got a full night's sleep.

I quickly wrote down the location of the documents before doing anything else; those astral travel like experiences are just as fleeting as normal dream experiences and I would hate to have done all that work for nothing. It's not easy navigating my subconscious mind haha. I then had to find money to make a call downstairs. Instantly images of all the vending machines flew to the forefront of my mind; I had made a mental note of all of the ones in the vicinity of the hotel, honestly not because of training but because I have Obssessive Compulsive Disorder; I count things, even my steps, and numbers can be a problem particularly when I have to walk down a long packed parking lot.  

It comes in handy sometimes though; I went by all of them and collected ten dollars in change that had been dropped in the grounding or returned in the slots and forgotten about I also emptied all the candy machines that I came across too. I then went back to the hotel and asked them what they're fax number was and informed them that they were going to be receiving a driver's permit and birth certificate within the next ten minutes and to hold them for me until i got back. I made a call home, told my folks exactly where the documents were, had them fax photo copies of them to me, and then I went to the church where we were holding our meetings, unlocked the door with my electronic hotel key card (not by slidding it through a machine on the church; by shimmying open the lock inside the crack of the door; it helps to have street smarts I guess, first time ever I ever had to use my burglar skills on a mission; usually it's just because I need to get into my sisters house when they're gone so that they're house doesn't freeze; I keep their stove going for them but they always forget and lock the door behind them.

I ran upstairs and went into the conference room and grabbed my folder with all my YPS papers in it; we were told we didn't need them anymore and to just leave them but I needed them now; they had my name written all over it with the reasons why I was in Juneau in the first place; these papers combined with the faxed documents would grant me a better chance at getting through security at the airport and getting on the plane. And it worked. It was a long shot and I didn't have much time but yeah; I was just tickled with myself haha! XD
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Warrior type Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior type   Warrior type I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 17, 2014 8:59 pm

I voted Paranormal because it's my favorite style. I prefer using my abilities and being subtle to create the desired effect. I don't really like fighting, so I try to avoid it until it's necessary.
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Warrior type Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior type   Warrior type I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 17, 2014 9:35 pm

Same here. A wise course of action if you ask me. there's a proper time and place everything.
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Silent Defender

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PostSubject: Re: Warrior type   Warrior type I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 18, 2014 7:28 am

Paranormal. The Chaos Theory one.

I´ll choice also the strategist one, because I use information to figth crime; and healer. I helps lots of kids who get minor wonds while playing (and a idiot drunk who shot himself on the leg).
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Warrior type Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior type   Warrior type I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 18, 2014 10:06 am

Just voted. Strategist.
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Warrior type Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior type   Warrior type I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 20, 2014 8:37 pm

i am a student of the 'Mutatic Arts'. a wide ranging branch of disciplines ranging from psionics, to telepathy, precognition, telekinesis and beyond.
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Warrior type Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior type   Warrior type I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 24, 2014 12:27 pm

Cool. It's a 4way tie so far.
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Blue Arrow

Blue Arrow

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Warrior type Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior type   Warrior type I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 01, 2014 3:57 pm

Mine is a tie between strategist and a martial artist. but i'm definitely not a brute
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network

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Warrior type Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior type   Warrior type I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 01, 2014 7:03 pm

Blue Arrow,

Since you're an archer, I would think blaster, since arrows are a projectile form of weaponry.
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Warrior type Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior type   Warrior type I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 04, 2014 2:07 am

I voted Martial Artist
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Warrior type Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior type   Warrior type I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 04, 2014 4:06 am

Dreadknot the Maple Defender,

You're the only other person I know who has the same ability as I do. The Art of the Iron Crotch. I remembered you once telling me a story about how you let everyone in your Canadian Army unit kick you in the nuts.

I would have thought you were gonna vote Strategist. I remembered you even had a team. It was either a Nonprofit or a For Profit Team. (I think the latter?)
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PostSubject: Re: Warrior type   Warrior type I_icon_minitime

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