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 See How Communities, Nations, are Saved by God

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See How Communities, Nations, are Saved by God Empty
PostSubject: See How Communities, Nations, are Saved by God   See How Communities, Nations, are Saved by God I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 12, 2014 5:20 am

Check out this article. And also watch the video. It talks about how communities have been miraculously saved by God.

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PostSubject: Re: See How Communities, Nations, are Saved by God   See How Communities, Nations, are Saved by God I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 12, 2014 9:04 am

Neat. Personally I feel things were changing because people wanted them to change. God didn't play as big a part as the goodness of the people. Witchcraft played no part and god played no part. It was the fact that the people wanted things to get better. When they prayed, what they're doing is really just talking to themselves, and this is also called self reflection. People started changing their own lives, and things got better as a whole. This is exactly what I wish to embody as a superhero; helping others be their own heroes and change their own lives. We can only live in poor conditions for so long before we get sick of it and want something more, better out of life. Regardless of whether it's through religion or not, people will always take initiative when they have enough motivation to, and when a small group gets motivated Mirror Molecules play the biggest part. Mirror Molecules are what makes us feel pain for others. We see war rideen streets and mushroom clouds and suffering homeless, and we feel their pain due to the actions of Mirror Molecules which enable us to help one another and change our worlds. And so what in this particular situation was happening was the result of the combination of Mirror Molecules and the VMAT2 Gene which acted as a means of facilitation of these new sensations arising from the Mirror Molecules. Oh, and that reminds me, I forgot to explain what the VMAT2 Gene is.

It's what's also caled "The God Gene". It's what makes some people more prone to believing in religious concepts than others. Some people have it, and others don't. So instead of Thetics and Atheists, it's really just People With VMAT2 Gene and People Without VMAT2 Gene. And both parties get along great, their experiences are just a bit different due to their genetic makeup they happened to have passed onto them.

Awesome post. It's always great to see comunities coming together for the bettering of mankind in their part of the world; doesn't matter how or why; peace and happiness are always a good thing. No arguing with that. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: See How Communities, Nations, are Saved by God   See How Communities, Nations, are Saved by God I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 12, 2014 9:12 am

I probably have this Gene: http://www.tominthebox.net/2008/05/scientist-discover-atheist-gene-now.html

According to MarieP though, haha, I'm a mutant! I can't see how though. Mankind is over a MILLION years old and religion only started showing up a few thousand years ago at the most; if anything the God Gene is the real mutation and the atheist gene a much more natural experience because that's how all humans have lived for most of our existence.
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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
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PostSubject: Re: See How Communities, Nations, are Saved by God   See How Communities, Nations, are Saved by God I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 12, 2014 9:33 pm

God created science, so that things can make sense in this world. If that gene exists, perhaps it's God's way of communicating with His children.

I don't know if the gene can either exist or be prone to change, because while some stick with their beliefs, others change their beliefs.

While you might be right that religion started some thousands of years ago - I still think a belief in God existed before then. But, back then, it wasn't so much of one religion versus another, but rather just simply a knowledge of the truth. If everyone knew the truth, there wouldn't so much be a need for this religion versus that religion.

We have technology now so there is more preservation of knowledge and information. Back then, all they had was word of mouth, which can slightly modify information every new time it's told to someone else or passed down a generation, and after so many generations, when so many little bits of information were modified, you end up with something different than the truth.

But, there are written information, like through The Holy Bible.

I do credit God with those changes. Without God, none of those blessings would be possible. I don't think it's a coincidence. Yes they wanted it to change but they understood that through the Creator, it was possible for those miracles.
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PostSubject: Re: See How Communities, Nations, are Saved by God   See How Communities, Nations, are Saved by God I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 13, 2014 5:38 am

Haha, kinda sounded like you were trying to use religion to explain science for a sec XD.

Genes can't change. (not on their own anyway) Once you have a gene you're stuck with it. Howveer you're environment plays a part too. My parents raised me Christian and so I used to believe in God but changed my beliefs later on when I began learning more about the world.

I don't personally undersand how you can know god is responsible for everything. I can understand you believe it, but I can't wrap my head around what it's like to believe something so much that I insisted it was the truth. In my mind god is one of the word-of-mouth pieces of information you were talking about.

And there was a kinda sorta type of religion for early man, it eventually became what is known as Wicca; Witchcraft was the first religion of the people of planet earth. It was as common in those days as christianity is today. Eventually others though came up with a different idea and wanted to cash in on the profit of the temples, and thus organized religion was formed, and then it went downhill from there.

I guess I never asked you directly, but can you volunteer the possibility that God isn't real? I would think it hard to not have at least a little wonder that perhaps humans just don't know how the heavensand the earth were created?

There are billions of stars in our galaxy; the closest one to us is hindreds of lightyears away; meaning you'd have to be traveling at the speed of light for hundreds of years before you even reached the closest star. Beyond our galaxy, are hundreds and hundreds of other galaxies, all with their billions of stars. Can you volunteer the possibility that perhaps we humans on this tiny microscopic rock in comparison to the known universe hurdling through space, can possibly fathom how it all came to be? I would think it's far far far more incredible than a magical being who said let there be light. We are in no position at all to form such beliefs when we don't even understand 4 percent of the universe as it is, but you still think you can tell me what will happen to me when I die (or at least something along the lines of it; according to christianity one of three things will happen when you die depending on which author in the Bible you're reading; dozens and dozens of different people worked on the Bible for a very long time, and translations have been lost, rewritten, fabricated, or simply falisfiedfor the sake of making a point; it was never the words of God; it was authors and their beliefs. You can believe God was whispering in their ears what to write, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the truth, and even if it is true, it means nothing because the bible you read today is nothing like the Bible they read back then. Your bible is missing large pieces of text; entire books, written by people in a completely alien and dead language, thousands of years ago. May many many christians don't know the truth about their own religion and their own texts, whichg is why nowadays, christiantiy and other religions are largely if not completely based on fiedism.

I can though volunteer the possibility of a divine magical being. It's ahrd to imagine, but as a scientist I must admit that I could be wrong. Given the vast enormity of time and space I think we're probably both wrong. We're humans, not gods. The only way we'd be able to know and understand god if he existed would be if we were gods ourselves. And being none of us are all knowing and all powerful, it is impossible for us to even begin to imagine what's going on in the brain of such a being.

I'm really looking forward to dying; that's when the biggest questions will be answered. Only then can we truly know the truth. All we know right now is what people have said, and people have been saying a bunch of crazy stuff since we started over a million years ago.
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PostSubject: Re: See How Communities, Nations, are Saved by God   See How Communities, Nations, are Saved by God I_icon_minitime

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