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 Hero Man Publicy Revealed! (There Goes My Secret Identity)

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PostSubject: Hero Man Publicy Revealed! (There Goes My Secret Identity)   Hero Man Publicy Revealed! (There Goes My Secret Identity) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2013 8:11 am

The superhero's worst nightmare: Having their true identity splashed all over the papers under a headline that is their hero name; the headline reads, I kid you not, "Hero Man". Yup, normally this would bug a superhero. Not me, I practically had a nerdgasm. Had no idea that guy was a reporter; I've been asked to pose for loads of photos and didn't think anything of it when he asked. Guessing he figured out who I was pretty quick, after all I work their and was on duty and taking orders from the chief late into the night in my own place of business in a maskless costume....it's not like I was trying to hide who I was or anything, lol. XD


Also found this later on; totally forgot about it until some dude named Dark Wolf was talking smack about me and calling me a troll and throwing links around to personal information about me and blabbing about how I have been banned from the other site and is obviously oblivious to the fact UA and I have reconciled and he knows I have changed a lot in the past couple years. Don't really care though; after being approached first by people on the streets asking me where Hero Boy went, then even seeing Hero Boy for a short piece in the documentary (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s148u5JGh7s) And then Hero Man later in the papers again; I didn't realize it back then because I lived somewhere other than where I typically patroled, but my presence had made a small difference, people had noticed and were liking it, and then I just disappeared.

Well it seems I have a duty to my people now. It's time, once again as though for the first time, to suit up! =)
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Hero Man Publicy Revealed! (There Goes My Secret Identity) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hero Man Publicy Revealed! (There Goes My Secret Identity)   Hero Man Publicy Revealed! (There Goes My Secret Identity) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2013 11:45 pm

Oh wow. Interesting.
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Hero Man Publicy Revealed! (There Goes My Secret Identity) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hero Man Publicy Revealed! (There Goes My Secret Identity)   Hero Man Publicy Revealed! (There Goes My Secret Identity) I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 25, 2013 1:55 am

I know right? Tripped me out. It felt like something right out of a comic book; then again most of my life kinda feels like a comic book in retrospect, lol.
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Hero Man Publicy Revealed! (There Goes My Secret Identity) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hero Man Publicy Revealed! (There Goes My Secret Identity)   Hero Man Publicy Revealed! (There Goes My Secret Identity) I_icon_minitime

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