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 Pope is a RLSH too :)

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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 16, 2013 2:03 pm

Pope Francis sometimes leaves Vatican at night and helps homeless in disguise...

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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 16, 2013 7:50 pm

I had heard about that some weeks ago. I heard that he just ministered to the homeless. I wasn't sure if he gave anything to them or not.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 17, 2013 6:31 am

I'm beginning to rather like this pope.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 17, 2013 5:41 pm

There are mixed things I've heard. I'm not sure what to think yet.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 18, 2013 8:44 pm

What have you heard Tothian? I've heard nothing.

Some popes are heroes, some are villains. All depends on the area and what part of history haha.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 19, 2013 10:17 pm

I've heard that the Pope wasn't going to condemn homosexuality. But then again I notice that a lot of people in 2013 seem to be promoting and glorifying homosexuality.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 20, 2013 7:25 pm

Nothing wrong with homosexuality. A man and a woman in love and a man and a man in love or a woman and woman in love is no different. Love is love, and it it's true love then I believe it's right for that person. Humans promote and glorify by nature. All of us do it, probably everyday; we al have something we wish to promote and something we believe to be glorious after all. 

I may of misunderstood what you were saying though, if so my apologies.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 21, 2013 1:01 am

Homosexuality is a sin. The Bible states that. It also does say not to judge the people.

But just because it is popular does not mean it isn't a sin.

The same thing with eating shell fish. That's a sin too. Just because I like to eat that does not mean I am going to deny it is a sin.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 21, 2013 2:43 am

You really believe everything in the Bible?....That's some astonishing faith, if you do. I disgaree though with condemning homosexuals for their beliefs, and I feel it is wrong.

And people will continue to judge all the time, even you judge multiple times a day, we can't help ourselves. Therefore I believe we need to judge. If we didn't it would be easier to stop, but try as you might you'll never be able to not judge others. Judging is a very important survival mechanism; you see a guy down an alley and think he looks shady and you avoid him; maybe he's a perfectly innocent person, but perhaps he wasn't and he wanted to chop you up into tiny pieces, your instinctive bias just saved your life. I feel we should be polite and respectful and accepting, but I don't feel judging others is wrong, and I'm glad I don't because I'd feel like crap way too much. I don't understand what is wrong with a man and another man being in love with one another, and the reason "it's in the Bible." is utterly absurd and is not going to convince me. I think people who believe gays will go to hell because they are gay (I'm not saying that;s what your saying at all; but some people have told me that) are actually more evil than the gays themself. It's like saying if you don't do and believe as I do you will nopt only die but continue to suffer for eternity. That's sick. That's what dictators and monsters do to control the masses. They use intimidation. And fopr as long as history can tell mankind has feared that which they do not understand and turn their fear into anger, and their anger becomes a part of their culture, and their culture is portrayed in their art and literature, and somewhere along the line someone decided to throw in their own bias into the Bible that so many hold so dear and believe every word of, "Gays are evil." Whoopdy frickin doo; it's absurd.

Don't believe everything you read basically. Even in the Bible.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 21, 2013 3:03 am

It's not enough for me to say something is a sin. There has to be a good reason. Give me a good reason to believe and I will, as of now I have no good reason to condemn love, no matter who it's between, if it harms no one.

I could be wrong, but I would prefer love over damnation.

Personally, I don't believe in sin, at least not in the way you do (probably), I just believe in right and wrong and marginal areas of grey between the two. I'm reasonable and logical; I can't believe something without a good reason to believe it, another way of saying, I'm just not that faithful; what I feel is believing something with no logical reason to. I'm more black and white than that. I used to struggle with whether or not that was either a good or a bad thing, but have in recent events learned that it's neither; it's just a thing.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 21, 2013 6:05 am

It has nothing to do with condemning homosexuals. It's condemning sin, and homosexuality is a sin. It's hating the sin, not the sinner.

I do trust in the Bible. Without it, there is no universal standard to measure good and evil. And in that book, it says that Jesus died for our sins.

We do not need to judge each other - I'm not talking about things like trust nor survival.

We should know the difference between good and evil.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 22, 2013 4:18 am

If homosexuality is a sin, and you condemn sin, by definition you are condemning homosexuality; it may not be about that specificall, sure, as you are condemning many many other things as well, for the reason that a book says that it's a sin.

Hate is a waste of time and energy. You don't have to hate the sin and not the sinner; you don't have to hate anything. I actually do my best to avoid hate, but it seems some prefer to make an active conscious descision to hate, again, because of a book, and someone else's beliefs which may or may not even be valid.

I trust certain parts of the Bible. Different parts were written by different people and some of those people were idiots. Much like today, individuals have authors whose work they prefer over another. One who trusts in the entire Bible probably hasn't read as much of the Bible as they may think; if you read it cover to cover and decide to believe each thing, at some point you will run into a contradiction. The Bible, from my point of view, is an amazing book for people to gather information from to help develop their own philosophy; it's a tool, like all books.

If you really wholeheartedly believe and live everything the bible has to offer you must be a very conflicting and chaotic individual. Perhaps different authors had different things to teach to different types of individuals, roughly two thousand years ago. It just seems silly to me to make such radical descisions based on ancient peoples opinions, instead of choosing your beliefs for yourself. I would personally feel like a sheep, and I'm not into being a sheep. But government does the exact same thing as religion; it creates sheep. Hardly anyone these days is genuinely authentic and original and thinks for themselves. Even I'm guilty of this occasionally. Just because something is written doesn't mean you have to believe it, I believe your a good person, and I can't believe you honestly think homosexuality is evil. If you do, I am eager to hear your reasoning. How is homosexuality evil? Why is homosexuality a sin? Do you really have a good answer? Or someone else's answer? Why is it evil for two men to love one another romantically?

If you can't think of a good reason, that's fine; it means you're sane and normal. If you think it's evil your definition of evil is way off and you are a victim of blind faith. I'm curious.

Oh, and totally off topic: I've quit smoking! XD Haven't had a cigerette since 12:00AM on the 19th. batman
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 22, 2013 3:35 pm

The greatest trick the devil ever played was to convince the world that he didn't exist, and also that sin didn't exist.

But it does exist. The "love" part is not evil, but when it's kind of like when you play a video game, sure it should be alright when Mario jumps into lava he should be able to jump out, even if with just less health or something in the game, but nooo, gotta start back at the beginning of the level. It's kinda like, stuff we know before we come here to earth.

The part more hated I think is what the sin does to people. The suffering it causes people. It's kinda like with alcohol. Sure you get a pretty good buzz and feel good and have fun. But then sometimes it can cause stuff like bar fights, car accidents, hangovers, liver/kidney damage. Stuff like that.

To say why have any hatred at all - well from your words it is apparent you hate hatred. It's not the same kind of hatred as being hateful. It's just semantics. It's like if someone called someone fearful for fearing nothing but fear itself. Something like that.

Good work on quitting smoking! Try detox or sauna to get nicotine out of your system quicker. Supposedly 3 days in a sauna can help. Otherwise, 2 or 3 weeks to really break a habit.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 23, 2013 9:51 pm

I switched to e-cigs. I'm still getting nicotine but I can jump and run and I'm not coughing and hacking. I feel awesome; it's amazing. E-cigs are totally the future and the ticket for anyone wanting to quit smoking; I made the transition with no problem at all; it's just a matter of getting rid of all the tobacco products in your surroundings and using the e cig instead; within a couple hours you get used to it and it works wonders haha. Smile

My brother in law told me they make something else called Herbal Vaporizers for...."baked goods". My current mission is to get everyone in my family to stop smoking completely, then the next step is getting us all working out together and going on family outings. Gonna get this family some life back in 'em. XD

I still don't understand why homosexuality should be a sin. It doesn't hurt anyone, and is about love between too people.

You have to keep in mind the Bible was written by humans. Humans are biased and bigoted and competitive by nature. A homophobe in that era, author of a particular work to be later published in the Bible, threw in his two cents about homos and from that spawned a generation of hatred towards same sex relationships. The Bible is not delivered to us from the heavens, it's a book written by people, and some of those people were jerks and bigots. Some were doctors and teachers, and some were wise men and monks and so on and so forth, a book written by people, about people, for people. Some of it has no place in a rational, logical mind. Condemning sexuality of any kind, or anything for that matter, is illogical if said act harms no one and is beneficial for even two people. Don't drink the words of the Bible as if it's an all knowing elixir is what I'm saying; decide for yourself; believe what feels right. If you really thinks being gay is evil, then that's your belief; I personally will never understand it, but at least it is yours; not something taught to you or something you read, but a conclusion that you went through steps to come to for yourself.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2013 4:07 am

Hero Man,

I heard that going in a sauna for 3 days in a row (I'm also guessing a steam room too) - I forget how long each day - can help you quit smoking faster. I guess by flushing stuff out.

And not all things make sense at first. You would have to ask God to give you the wisdom you need to understand things.

It would not be a good idea to think that we know more than God. The people who wrote the different books of the Bible were given those answers by God.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 24, 2013 7:52 am

Those folks may have been high on shrooms for all you know. Humans may not know everything, but we know the difference between right and wrong, we are aware of ourselves and can create wonders and think for ourselves. God may very well be real, but for me it is utterly pointless to ask a being far beyond me in every way to give me wisdom when it is not his responsibility at all to teach me the ways of right and wrong and wisdom and knowledge, that's upon me. Every mistake I make, every success I achieve, it is all on me. To my knowledge and my experiences and reflecting on the choices I have made in my life, God has had nothing to do with it at all. It was all me. Every screw up and every victory. My life is happier when I know that it is not in anyone's hands. I believe everything in our lives is already determined. From the minute you come into existence you are bombarded with stimulus from your environment which pounds and molds and chips you into the being you are today. If you think about it for a sec, free will really is just wishful thinking; we like to feel in charge and believe we have the answers and the thought that there's something after this, a reward for the good and a punishment for the wicked, is utterly wonderful, and universal, and we love to think that without any evidence whatsoever. I just leave that all at the door and do the next best thing that I can, which has already been determined based on all the crap I have been through already. It's simple, if you had true free will; if you had real control over your life, would it have turned out remotely at all what it turned out to be? Mine sure as hell didn't lol; if I had a choice, my life would have been very different. In the end, we never have a choice. The only thing we can possibly hope to have any control over is our physical minds and bodies, and even then we can only just barely scratch the surface, and look what we can already do with that. I don't think it's wrong at all to aknowledge the marvels we have created, to look back and see how incredibly far we have come, and look onward and see forever. Everything that's happened throughout history (A long cycle of humanity rising, destroying itself, falling, rising, and destroying itself again; which I'm sure everybody must love doing because they all supposedly have free will; you can understand where I see the funny side in this false notion of free will. We're unstable chemical reactions; ticking time bombs and when our timer runs out we die. Nobody can tell you what happens after you die, nobody has ever died and come back to life to tell the tale. Occasionally somone gets the crap beat out of them somehow so badly that they have what have been called near death experiences and they halucinate things like a light at the end of the tunnel, and their brain frantically scrambles to put things in a way it can understand, often in the form of a sensation of floating in the room watching surgeons work on your insides; all a result of chemicals going absolutely bonkers in the meat inside your possible shattered skull.

For me my beliefs are perfect, even if they may appear grim on the outset. It's like you said....well kinda. I'll have to put it in my own words: You'll have to do some thinking to gain the wisdom you need to understand things. Or, if you prefer, ask god what to make of my ramblings and hopefully he'll tell you in a way that makes sense for you (if you don't understand; you may very well get it completely but if not, faith can help I suppose). Whatever the belief of a person, it is right for them. And I like to believe most people's beliefs are similiar or mirror each other in different ways. You and I agree on a whole bunch of things but our drives our different, that's cool though. I agree with more words you have shared: Our difference should not separate us, they should be what unite us. Smile

Happy holidays sir. Smile

Stay true. Stay free. Stay safe.

--Hero Man
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 25, 2013 6:20 am

It must feel empty to not know God.

Diversity does make things interesting. And being self-expressive. I would rather you be honest and disagree with me than to pretend to agree with me.

BUT, it goes both ways - you still accept the people but still not afraid to relentlessly share your opinions and reasons for them. After a while, you're either gonna have fun debating, gonna get good practice debating, and one of the two people - if not both of them, will learn something. Be it about what they are debating about, or also about the other person's mindset - as well as their own.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 25, 2013 2:45 pm

I agree. =)

And for me I don't feel empty at all without god or religion; my world is full of life and amazing wonders and utterly plentifull with extraordinary and mind boggling mysteries just begging to be discovered! Smile

One can only experience such extremes as emptiness from a religious concept if they themselves truly believed in it, If I felt empty without god, I would first have to believe in god; those who do not believe lead neither a better or worse life than those who do, just different ones. Smile 

For me my life probably feels just as normal as your life is for you, we both laugh, cry, and bleed, both of us are the sum total of our experiences, we as everyone each have an amazing story to tell, everyone is a world in and of themselves, it's totally awesome, in my opinion. Smile
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 27, 2013 4:31 am

I don't think people realize that all good comes from God. Even if you do not believe nor accept Him, all blessings come from Him.

It is the afterlife that is what it is, regardless of what we think while alive.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 27, 2013 8:08 am

I personally need more evidence before I can believe that. I believe my good comes from me and that your good comes from you and that his good comes from him and that her good comes from her. We're the owners of the own good that we do, in my opinion.

Perhaps one day science will find that it was all true. But unless I can know that it's true, I can't believe it; I'm incapable of blind faith. Christians can believe in god if it makes them feel better but I don't feel they should try to impose their beliefs on others; little things like Christians telling me that even if I don't believe there view is how it really is, bugs me. It's like they're saying they're superior to me. This likely is not the case, it just bugs me that many christians cannot even consider that there isn't a god; at least not in the sense the bible portrays him.

I believe something may have created the universe. (All of them, actually, recent science suggests our universe is a living organism, and has an ancestry and his producing offspring. Perhaps this is what god really is; the universes; the creature that is everything. And literally, everything. And we're just a tiny spec in this unimaginably large organism. Exactly like bacteria on us; how unimaginably large of an organism are we to a microscopic piece of bacteria living on our skin? And maybe this entity is the only of it's kind, or possibly there are many of these creatures as well. And maybe they had some point of origin. I think it's absurd of humans to think we have all the answers when we can't possibly imagine what it may all really be.

Scientifically speaking, every particle that makes you who you are is everlasting; the particles have traveled the universe for billions and billions of years, seeing a wide range of planets. So long as we know these particles are perpetual, scientifically you will forever be a possibility, which makes me less afraid of death. I believe after I day there is nothing else; nothingess in it's purest form. And I won't care, because I am not even in existence anymore, but my particles still are. Way I see it, being I believe the universes have no definite beginning and no end and is just how things are for absolutely no specific reason at all, (as far as science can tell) then all I have to do is wait for those particles to recombine themselves. Maybe it will be billions of years before I come back. But it will feel like no time at all for me, because there is no time after I die; i can't experience anything when I'm dead, not time, not even nothingness. I won't feel good or bad or miserable; I won't feel anything anymore; I simply just will not be.

Science also tells us that each particle can actually think. Particles gather bits of information and communicate with one another in ways we can't understand; constantly reprogramming themselves. After a while maybe they'll want to reporgram into me again, or another body which I will then inhabit because each particle has gathered the necssary information for my consciousness to exist.

Or maybe not. Maybe I'll end up on a fluffy cloud plaing a harp or screaming like a little girl in a lake of fire. I just can't friggin' know what will happen after I die, and neither can you. I simply am honest with myself in this case; you truly believe in an afterlife, but if you've never died and been there, you really can't be sure, but it feels you insist that it will be all you believe it to be, but you really can't know for sure. And that's what bugs me most about religion; religion itself doesn't bug me. It bugs me that so many people insist they are right when I have decided to postpone my beliefs until I have more information and akconwledge that there are things in the universe I can't understand. I don't pretend to know anything. If I know something, then i believe it. If I don't know something, I question it. But I can't believe something without knowing it as fact.

I feel it's better that I just don't make any final descions regarding life, the universes, and everything. Nothing may be what it seems to me in reality, and so I don't make radical descisions regarding my view of everything. Including converting to religion; too me it's too fast and radical a move to instantly believe everything in the bible and apply it when it could all just be (and probably is) the works of other human minds. I want my own way of life, not someone elses. I don't want others dictating how I think and what I believe, shaping my life around the words of complete strangers from thousands of years ago would be basically surrendering my entire life to the power of....who the heck even truly knows? Whoever wrote what I instantly decided to believe and embody. It wouldn't be my life dream, it would be theirs. And like I said; I want my own life. I don't care that I don't have anything to tell me who I am and where i come from and how everything I experience became a possibility. If god is as you say he is, and he condemns me to hell just for not believing in him, he's a jerk because I know I am not evil. Which would then make him a dictator. "Do what I say or be punished in a lake of fire." (I'm just speaking hypothetically; I have no idea what the secrets to the universe are and have no room to say what is and isn't true; most of the words that come out of my mouth are hypothetical lol. I'm really careful about speaking in absolutes, because in my world nothing is absolute; it's an ongoing journey of discovery and experience and carefully forming my own conclusions, and not letting others decide for me how to believe.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 27, 2013 8:09 am

If there is a god, I do hope he/she/it is more like how you describe it; all about love and kindness and and not at all about throwing people into hellfire for not believing there was an all powerful being watching their every move on earth. (or whatever, haha) XD
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 27, 2013 8:15 am

If I die and it turns out there really is a god, I'll see if I can't get a message to you saying you told me so haha. If he's an awesome god, I think he and I would get along; I wouldn't be able to stop laughing; finding out all this time I was wrong. Well, not wrong; I can't be right or wrong seeing as I don't really hold much of an opinion on the subject; anything can happen is my basic philosophy.

I'd probably then immediately start bombarding him with questions like a little child to their elderly grandfather. Well, actually probably not too awful many questions; the biggest question of my life is "Is there a god?" and that would at the point be answered for me haha. It would be cool if there's a god, and I hope there is a nice god in charge of things; I really do. Smile
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 27, 2013 8:27 am

Huh...what if it turned out he's actually an evil alien? I'd have a moral obligation to defy him and do everything I could to stop him. I would very likely lose, and would be murdered in an instant. I wouldn't let that stop me though. I won't let anything dictate what I feel is right and wrong, not even fear. I would not bow to an evil god becuase of what he may be able to do to me. Never surrender, never give in. Not even in the face of total anhilation (which if I've already died and met up with god who turns out to actually be a douche, I can only suspect that what would happen if I tried to then fight this entity would be even worse than dying. Maybe, maybe not, maybe I would just die again and meet up with another deity of another set of universes; I really couldn't say either way.

I believe if there's a god, he's an alien, and he probably worked with collegues in a laboratory to create the heavens and the earth, much life how scientists here have created a universe together as a team effort; it's really hard for just one guy, unless of course that one guy is all powerful, all knowing, and can do pretty much anything in a blink of an eye with a thought. Which, i don't personally believe any one creature is capable of. Even highly evolved and intelligent life forms can die. Oh....tothian, I'm sorry but I think if god is real he might have died a while ago....that would certainly explain the severe lack of god chattin' with folks like he did with moses; clear as me to you. Or an alien to a person. (I would think such an intelligent lifeform would've thought to learn english before trying to communicate with...well, someone who speaks english, lol.) 

We couldn't eliminate that as a possibility; that god died of old age a while back and what is here is his legacy; tony starks Arc Reactor technology equivalent; the shining jewel of achievment of his life's work. And even if that is the story, it makes everything no less awesome than it is. Any story involving the creation of everything is cool haha. XD
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 27, 2013 9:21 pm

I don't believe me being a Christian makes me superior to you. What being a Christian means it acknowledging that I am not perfect, but that not only despite that but in spite of that, that I have a mission of things I need to do.

In Christianity, it is encouraged to go out and preach the word. What we see we do know to be truth. We don't look at it as, we are born and we get to choose our past and where we came from. It is something we know in our mind, body, and spirit - to be true.

It is not forcing that belief on you - that would be oxymoronic since there is no way I nor anyone can force anything on you. If you are ever to believe, then it would be because you choose to believe. Just like me saying that it is truth is not saying you "have to" believe that. I'm just simply stating what I know. Just as you can and should state what you believe - even if you disagree with me.

One thing I notice is that when a lot of non-Christians talk about their beliefs to someone, people say it's just their freedom of religion. But when ever someone talks about Christianity, people often tell them that they are forcing their beliefs on someone. 75% of the world's religious persecutions is against Christianity.
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 27, 2013 9:37 pm

Whoa, that was the message where I saw how actually very very similiar we are (always sorta figured we were pretty likeminded but that post says it all. Smile

I too agree I'm not perfect, and I've chosen a mission which I feel I must do. I share with others what I have learned in hopes of bettering the qaulities of their lives (equivalent of preaching the word).

Like you I can feel with my being that the path I'm headed on is a good path for me; (much how you feel; your chosen path is the perfect path for you). Really, neither of us are right or wrong because both of our lives feel wonderful to each of us; we're both happy. Smile

I feel maybe the reason so many feel Christianity is forceful in their views is because they insist that they know it to be true fact; and for people like me who have difficulty accepting much of anything as fact, it can appear to be forcing a set of beliefs when it is very much in all likihood not their intention at all. Smile
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Pope is a RLSH too :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pope is a RLSH too :)   Pope is a RLSH too :) I_icon_minitime

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