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 Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home!

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Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! Empty
PostSubject: Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home!   Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 03, 2013 9:59 pm

Companies could use UAVs to gather private information
Paul Joseph Watson
December 3, 2013
Following the announcement of Amazon’s plan to deliver items using drones within five years, lawmakers responded by warning that the devices could be used to gather private information on customers and called for strict privacy safeguards.
Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! 031213drone
Image: Amazon Drone (YouTube).
Reacting to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ unveiling of prototype Octocopters that would deliver items weighing up to 2.3kg to customers within 30 minutes of an order being placed online, Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas) cautioned that without careful regulations, “companies could use drones for information gathering whether that is taking a photograph of your patio furniture or recording the make and model of your car.”
His sentiments were echoed by Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.), who said that the drones have “the potential to change everything,” and must be tightly controlled by law.
“Coloradans will accept this technology only if they are certain their privacy is protected and that Americans won’t be victims of surveillance or privacy abuse by private unmanned aerial system operators,” said Udall.
Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) said that such rules must be in place “before our skies teem with commercial drones.”
The ACLU’s Chris Calabrese said that once Amazon launches its drone delivery program, other companies will quickly follow suit, creating a massive new threat to privacy. “If [drones] start to be everywhere, and you can use them for anything you want, you really do have eyes in the sky all the time,” he warned.
Many have speculated that the only way to deter theft of the drones or the products they are delivering to customers will be to attach high-tech surveillance cameras to the devices that would feed live video footage back to a central database.
“One solution that has been floated is installing cameras on the drones, but just the mention of eyes in the sky got America’s privacy-obsessed sections seething,” reports FirstPost.
The Octocopters set to be used by Amazon are designed to carry cameras weighing up to 5 pounds.
Meanwhile, experts have warned that the drones will inevitably crash into people and other objects because the technology is not yet sophisticated enough to equip the drones with spatial awareness that would prevent collisions.
Other concerns have centered around the drones being shot out of the sky or compromised by hackers.
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Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home!   Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 04, 2013 2:17 am

If they tried this, they would get their drone back in a million pieces. This has bad news written all over it. No way in hell could this tech be used ethically, the temptations would be far too great.
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Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home!   Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 04, 2013 4:03 am

Here's my strict privacy safeguard: Any drones over my house will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.
They won't get their expensive drone back; I'll harvest it for parts! Mwahahahaha! batman 

"Dammit; Batman's eaten another drone!" XD
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Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home!   Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 04, 2013 2:24 pm


Robots delivering packages far faster than any human can is something that's been dreamed about for many years. I do hope though that laws will be set in place to state what drones will be allowed to do. I do not agree with people spying on the average person.

I also hope that if they do start using drones to deliver stuff, that people won't start taking the drones down to steal the packages. Also, what if it rains or storms? I guess it would have to be a tough water-proof drone with a special box to hold the packages or something like that. The crashing into things could still be an issue though until they develop the tech more to better be able to "see" what's going on around them.

Anyways, I do hope that regulations will be put into place for what drones can be used for. Used correctly I think that drones could be very useful. But spying on people for no good reason is not a good thing.
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Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home!   Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 05, 2013 12:42 am

Drones are destroying american jobs! Hire a little boy to deliver the package so he can earn a little spending money for himself; every kid should have a simple job; Messenger, delivery boy, paper boy, whatever. That would significantly cut down on juvenile delinquints if they had a small after school job to do instead of "hangin' with da homies down at da hood." After school jobs and activities for kids are the key to getting rid of juvenile delinquints on a mass scale.....and this was totally random, but worth mentioning. XD
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Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home!   Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 05, 2013 2:40 am


The problems with the ones delivering stuff to people is that the people will possibly not know it was spying on them. They'll just view it as a matter of convenience and anyone who dares to look in to the truth will be laughed at by the stupid masses of deceived people.




Too much deception. Making people think they are one thing when it's something else.

Bat-Man (again),

Or hire the little boy to make the drone. Haha! Just kidding. I kind of see what you mean. I think.
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Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home!   Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 05, 2013 6:33 am

I'm sure you do. Boy spends time doing productive activities equals less time for illegal shenanigans (not sure if I spelled that right). In a nutshell. Smile
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Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home!   Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 05, 2013 6:39 am

Works best if you can make them like the activity; needs to be something that once the do it a couple times they'll wanna do it again and again. Sports are probably at the top of the list for after school activities. Wrestling is probably the one I'd reccomend the most; in addition to letting them burn off energy and channel their emotions in a focused manner it also teaches them some foundational self defense skills. Not sure about others here, but I've gotten into fights with a couple really good high school wrestlers. (I was the stupid one back then; nowadays I would of just snotted and continued walking lol). They tied me up into a not in like 3 to five seconds. I was impressed. That's when I got into wrestling; they're good friends of mine now. Smile
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Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home!   Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 05, 2013 4:06 pm

Heh that's going to get alot of people jobless
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Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home!   Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 05, 2013 4:34 pm

Well, the military drones are apparently pretty hard to control and have a hard time flying in any sort of weather, and with the threat of people stealing the packages or shooting them down (and the bad publicity this would mean for amazon) it's probably far off into the future, if it ever actually does come to use. So i think we're safe for now.

I think the average Americans are starting to get fed up enough with being spied on, between this, Snowden, gun restrictions, Syria, etc. I think this country is at a boiling point, and these things would DEFINITELY get shot down, with or without camera's, costing Amazon MILLIONS.
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Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home!   Amazon Drones could be used to spy on your home! I_icon_minitime

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