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 42 Bodies Found in Mass Graves in Mexico

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42 Bodies Found in Mass Graves in Mexico Empty
PostSubject: 42 Bodies Found in Mass Graves in Mexico   42 Bodies Found in Mass Graves in Mexico I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 27, 2013 7:56 pm

There have been found 42 bodies buries in mass graves in Mexico this month. I remember reading news stories of large numbers of kids in Mexico going missing a few years ago without a trace. It's possible that some of the bodies belong to those kids.


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42 Bodies Found in Mass Graves in Mexico Empty
PostSubject: Re: 42 Bodies Found in Mass Graves in Mexico   42 Bodies Found in Mass Graves in Mexico I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 27, 2013 8:41 pm

If these bodies they found are those missing kids then there is one sick son of a gun on the loose in Mexico but then even if it is not those kids there is still a sick and evil son of a gun loose in Mexico but then this could also be link to a drug cartel or the Mexican Mafia.
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42 Bodies Found in Mass Graves in Mexico
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