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 Fugitive at large in Kent, UK

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Fugitive at large in Kent, UK Empty
PostSubject: Fugitive at large in Kent, UK   Fugitive at large in Kent, UK I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 13, 2013 1:57 pm

Police have been searching a house in Sheerness for one of Kent's most wanted criminals.

They went to Delamark Road at 8.45am today and spent just over an hour there.
Officers were stationed at either end of the road while a search of a terraced property was carried out.

Fugitive at large in Kent, UK 0_14403_0
Ashley Mcdonald

There was also a policeman with a sniffer dog who was searching nearby roads.
Officers could be heard knocking on the door and shouting to the occupants to open up, before they went inside.
It is understood the man is Ashley Mcdonald, who is on Kent's most wanted list for breaching conditions of his bail.
He is thought to have connections with the Sheerness area and it is believed he made off from police this morning and had gone to the address.
Residents were told by officers they were looking for a man who was wearing a grey hoodie, baseball cap who is thin and gaunt.
Officers left the scene at about 9.55am but had not found the man.

Here is a short video at the scene:


Any assistance in this case would be greatly appreciated. 
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Fugitive at large in Kent, UK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fugitive at large in Kent, UK   Fugitive at large in Kent, UK I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 14, 2013 6:44 am

Thanks for sharing this Danners. Please keep us updated on this.
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