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 Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics"

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PostSubject: Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics"   Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics" I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 17, 2013 6:59 pm

We are all familiar with the concept of the internet meme, but are you familiar with the term meme as it was initially meant? the term meme is actually an abbreviation of the word "memetics" which is a new field of psychology focusing on the subconscious. Learning the basics of memetics can help you do a lot in social situations to influence others to behave in a certain way or do things to your advantage which could be of great use as a RLSH in maybe calming down a hostile situation or settling a heated dispute before it comes to blows, or even helping someone in shock to gather their senses. The concept of memetics is simple, it is applied to you every day through the use of advertising; the advertising companies use the science of memetics to best figure out what is going to make you, the viewer, want to buy their product. Its a good book and definitely worth checking out. If you aren't a psychology buff, it doesn't matter! its easy to read and you don't have to have a doctorate to understand.
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Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics"   Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics" I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 8:04 pm

Oh I know all about this book. That's exactly how I got you to post about this book in this thread, just like I wanted you to do. So that's proof that it really does work.

LOL just kidding. This sounds very interesting and like it could be very useful. Thanks for sharing this.
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PostSubject: Re: Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics"   Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics" I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 8:09 pm

Haha, I wanted you to make this joke. Our entire conversation yesterday was just a method of manipulation leading to this very moment!

It really is an interesting read, even if you have no intention of applying the techniques it's interesting to see it and realise what effects people and the media can have on you without realising; thus building up your mental defence.
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Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics"   Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics" I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 9:07 pm

See, I wanted you to think that too. So I got exactly what I wanted. LOL

And that's true too. And some things in there to prevent people from doing it also? I do notice this sort of thing in the news too, like with propaganda. Does it talk about that sort of thing too?
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PostSubject: Re: Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics"   Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics" I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 9:34 pm

It covers memetics as a whole and notes some examples of the active use of the science in every day life, once you read the book and understand it fully you really start to notice how many things exercise it on you on a daily basis. And yes, I guess it does. Again, once you read it cover to cover a few times and get a full grasp of it you can see it, and thus avoid it. It's even possible to completely re-program your brain in a sense as memetics is indeed active in a lot of aspects of our lives. Some are scary. A must read.
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PostSubject: Re: Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics"   Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics" I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 18, 2013 9:37 pm

It can go from the simplicity of recognising the coca cola logo without any conscious effort, to looking at a woman's lips while she's talking to you to trigger the "kiss" thought pattern in her brain.
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PostSubject: Re: Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics"   Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics" I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 29, 2013 12:26 am

Oh wow. And I have heard some stuff about things like that. That's interesting that this book talks about that.
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PostSubject: Re: Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics"   Virus of the Mind, a psychological book on the science of "memetics" I_icon_minitime

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