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  why i fear clowns

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Posts : 55
Join date : 2013-07-13
Age : 61
Titles : wild cat goddesses frined to the lost lonley and thows needing frineds and under stading

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PostSubject: why i fear clowns    why i fear clowns I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 24, 2013 11:55 pm

why i fear clowns. when i was 5 my mom took me to a kids show me never seeing a clown be fore saw one fore the firest time i was scard and shocked hes face was all white other then round hes lips and eyes thay were black i never seen iney thing like that be fore i even thow i was not a grown up did not know if what i was seeing was human. well the clown got to pick iney body frome the kids he wanted and gess who he picked me he picked me up and got me close to hes face and started making wired sonds witch scard me so i sarted to cry witch made the clown laugh witch scard me even morr so i cryed even morr now at this time i am looking in to hes eyes he had the out to luch look in hes eyes i wel never fore get that thats why i am scard of clowns.pale 
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PostSubject: Re: why i fear clowns    why i fear clowns I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 25, 2013 3:27 pm

Oh wow.
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