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 Official Trichotillomania Ribbon

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Official Trichotillomania Ribbon Empty
PostSubject: Official Trichotillomania Ribbon   Official Trichotillomania Ribbon I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 12, 2013 8:33 pm

Last October for Trichotillomania Awareness Week, I decided to start a petition for an official awareness ribbon. I let a whole bunch of people know, and the TLC Learning Center received over 700 emails as a result, and now the ribbon is official for Trichotillomania, well as other Body-Focused Repetitive disorders. http://store.trich.org/product_p/official-bfrb-awareness-ribbon.htm
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Official Trichotillomania Ribbon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official Trichotillomania Ribbon   Official Trichotillomania Ribbon I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 27, 2013 9:34 pm

Here's a picture of the ribbon:

Official Trichotillomania Ribbon Official-BFRB-Awareness-Ribbon-2T
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Official Trichotillomania Ribbon
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