Tothian President & Founder of the Heroes Network
Posts : 5877 Join date : 2011-10-12 Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community
| Subject: English to Japanese Translations Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:01 am | |
Hello. こんにちは。 Konnichiwa. (kon-nee-chee-WAH) How are you? お元気ですか。 O-genki desu ka? (oh-GEN-kee dess-KAH?) Fine, thank you. 元気です。 Genki desu. (GEN-kee dess) What is your name? お名前は何ですか。 O-namae wa nan desu ka? (oh-NAH-mah-eh wah NAHN dess-KAH?) My name is ____ . 私の名前は ____ です。 Watashi no namae wa ____ desu. (wah-TAH-shee no nah-mah-eh wa ____ dess) Nice to meet you. 始めまして。 Hajimemashite. (hah-jee-meh-MOSH-teh) Please. (request) お願いします。 Onegai shimasu. (oh-neh-gigh shee-moss) Please. (offer) どうぞ。 Dōzo. (DOH-zo) Thank you. どうもありがとう。 Dōmo arigatō. (doh-moh ah-ree-GAH-toh) You're welcome. どういたしまして。 Dō itashi mashite. (doh EE-tah-shee mosh-teh) Yes. はい。 Hai. (HIGH) No. いいえ。 Iie. (EE-eh) Excuse me. すみません。 Sumimasen. (soo-mee-mah-sen) I'm sorry. 御免なさい。 Gomen-nasai. (goh-men-nah-sigh) | |
Tothian President & Founder of the Heroes Network
Posts : 5877 Join date : 2011-10-12 Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community
| Subject: Re: English to Japanese Translations Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:03 am | |
Goodbye. (long-term) さようなら。 Sayōnara. (sa-YOH-nah-rah) Goodbye. (informal) それでは。 Sore dewa. (SOH-reh deh-wah) I can't speak Japanese [well]. 日本語「よく」話せません。 Nihongo [yoku] hanasemasen. (nee-hohn-goh [yo-koo] hah-nah-seh-mah-sen) Do you speak English? 英語を話せますか。 Eigo o hanasemasuka? (AY-goh oh hah-nah-seh-moss-KAH?) Is there someone here who speaks English? だれか英語を話せますか。 Dareka eigo o hanasemasuka? (dah-reh-kah AY-goh oh hah-nah-seh-moss-KAH?) Help! たすけて! Tasukete! (tah-soo-keh-teh!) Look out! あぶない! Abunai! (ah-boo-NIGH!) Good morning. おはようございます。 Ohayō gozaimasu. (oh-hah-YOH go-zigh-moss) Good evening. こんばんは。 Konbanwa. (kohm-bahn-wah) Good night (to sleep) おやすみなさい。 Oyasuminasai. (oh-yah-soo-mee-nah-sigh) I don't understand. わかりません。 Wakarimasen. (wah-kah-ree-mah-sen) Where is the toilet? トイレはどこですか。 Toire wa doko desu ka? (toy-reh wah DOH-koh dess kah?) | |
Tothian President & Founder of the Heroes Network
Posts : 5877 Join date : 2011-10-12 Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community
| Subject: Re: English to Japanese Translations Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:11 am | |
| NUMBERS1 ichi | 21 nijuuichi | 100 | hyaku | 2 ni | 22 nijuuni | 150 | hyakugojuu | 3 san | 23 nijuusan | 200 | nihyaku | 4 yon/shi | 30 sanjuu | 300 | sanbyaku | 5 go | 31 sanjuuichi | 1000 | sen | 6 roku | 32 sanjuuni | 1500 | sengohyaku | 7 nana/shichi | 40 yonjuu | 2000 | nisen | 8 hachi | 41 yonjuuichi | 10000 | ichiman | 9 kyuu/ku | 42 yonjuuni | 100000 | juuman | 10 juu | 50 gojuu | 1000000 | hyakuman | 11 juuichi | 51 gojuuichi | 10000000 | senman | 12 juuni | 52 gojuuni | 100,000,000 | ichioku | 13 juusan | 60 rokujuu | | | 14 juushi | 61 rokujuuichi | | | 15 juugo | 70 nanajuu | | | 16 juuroku | 71 nanajuuichi | | | 17 juushichi | 80 hachijuu | | | 18 juuhachi | 81 hachijuuichi | | | 19 juuku | 90 kyuujuu | | | 20 nijuu | 91 kyuujuuichi | |
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| Subject: Re: English to Japanese Translations | |
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