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 Taser Laws and Legalities

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Taser Laws and Legalities Empty
PostSubject: Taser Laws and Legalities   Taser Laws and Legalities I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 13, 2011 6:40 am

Some of the laws and legalities regarding Tasers seem similar to that of the Stun Guns. Here is one link I found regarding both, and if it's legal for Police to use, legal for Citizen's to have, and both the laws and restrictions regarding both:




And also, as always, feel free to confirm for yourself - these laws you read on these websites - and if you find out that any of the information I find is false, inaccurate, or outdated - or have since been updated after the time I posted them - feel free to let me know. Also if you find any more links regarding the laws or legalities regarding Tasers, let me know.
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