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 Dark Ghost Blog Post 7

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PostSubject: Dark Ghost Blog Post 7   Dark Ghost Blog Post 7 I_icon_minitimeWed May 01, 2013 2:12 pm

Taken After Dawn Holly Bobo

Dark Ghost Blog Post 7 Holly%20Bobo%2020%20missing%20from%20Decatur%20County%20TN%20Family%20photo%202_2
Holly Bobo was last seen Darden, Tennessee on April 13, 2011 just after 7:30am on a Wednesday. She lived on Swan Johnson Road and was a nursing student at the University of Tennessee's Martin Campus. She woke up early that morning to study for a test. A neighbor heard a scream coming from the Bobo home at 7:40am and had someone call Holly's mother, Karen, at work. Meanwhile at 7:50, Holly's 25 year old bother Clint woke up because he heard the dogs barking. He noticed Holly's car was still parked at the home, and he checked her room but she was not there. Karen called the house to ask if everything was okay, and when she found out Holly's car was still in at home she realized some thing was wrong and called 911.

After Clint spoke with his mother, he looked out the window and saw Holly and a man dressed all in camouflage walking towards the woods. He called Holly's cell phone, but no one answered and it went to her voice mail. It was opening day of turkey hunting season and Clint knew Holly's boyfriend, Drew Scott, would be turkey hunting. Because the man with Holly was dressed like a turky hunter, he thought the man must be Scott. When Karen called the house, Clint said the he'd seen his sister with Scott. However, Karen knew Scott was in fact hunting on the other side of Decatur County. She told Clint to take a gun and go after the man. Clint took a pistol and went to the garage, and noticed a puddle of blood near Holly's car. He thought it was from a turkey Scott had shot and he wasn't alarmed until a neighbor came and said her son had heard screams. Only then did he call 911. As he was calling the police arrived, responding to Karen's call.

Clint described the man with Holly as 5'10 to 6'0 tall, 180 to 200 pounds, dressed in non-insulated comauflage clothing . He couldn't see the man's face or hands but thought he might have been wearing gloves and a cap. Investigators believe he was a member of the local community and familiar with the rugged terrain. They think he abducted Holly as she was about to get into her car. Searcher found several items of interest, including Holly's lunch box found on the side of the road on Friday about eight miles from her home and her cell phone was found

Victor George Wall, a convicted sex offender, was questioned in Holly's case on August 4 2011 after he was arrested in Minnesota on unrelated charges. He had been convited of molesting a child in Washington state in the 1980s. Wall dropped out of sight just after Holly disappeared and were inable to locate him for months. They haven't named him or anyone else as a suspect in Holly's abduction. they stated both her brother and her boyfirend were both being cooperative and they were treating Clint as an eyewitness, not a suspect.

Holly is a first cousin of the Country music star Whitney Duncan, and Duncan has been active in publicizing her disappearance.

Holly's family believes her kidnapper was waiting around the corner in the car port watching the reflection on Holly's car. And when Holly rounded the corner, that's when they think he struck. Dana Bobo, Holly's father, said camouflaged man who kidnapped his daughter from their Darden home knew the family’s daily routines. "It might have been somebody close that kind of knew our routine when I left, and when she left, and when my daughter left to go to school," Dana Bobo said.

This year the search was renewed after a neighborhood dog reportedly dug up a purse that is believed to belong to Holly Bobo on Wednesday, but it is unclear exactly where the purse was found just a mile from Holly Bobo's home but after seeing it in person Karen Bobo said it wasn't Holly's.


One week before her abduction Holly Bobo was singing at a coon hunt and there is video of it and as it turns out there were 21 sex offender there in attendance that day. Now two years later a new clue has came to light. When Holly Bobo seemingly vanished from the face of the earth, Then without warning well turns out maybe not, because whomever took Holly Bobo forgot to turn off the victim's cell phone after leaving her house. Through the use of GPS tracking, a map has been composed of the abductor's route. It's a map that, astonishingly, leads back near the scene of the crime.


Clint Bobo was the only witness to his sister Holly Bobo's abduction and he has been interrogated for more than 17 hours, strip searched, polygraphed and even hypnotized to find out exactly what he knows and remembers. He also turned over his hard drive and cell phone, yet some outsiders still think he had something to do with the crime. Clint Bobo said he never felt hated until his sister was abducted. He had never been called a criminal, much less a killer, until his sister disappeared but since Holly's he has received death threats and has been accused of planning or actually killing his sister Holly Bobo. Now it's Clint Bobo's role as an eyewitness that made him a suspect. Sound asleep that April day, Clint Bobo woke up to the sound of his dog barking then heard voices.

I slightly raised the blinds and looked out this window and saw Holly," Clint Bobo said. "It appeared to be Holly kneeling down and [Holly's boyfriend] Drew. They looked like they were kneeled down, facing each other in the garage, and they were talking back and forth. Holly sounded very upset and heated. He was doing much of the talking, and she would answer back and things like that. I couldn't make out hardly any of the words. The only words I could make out from here were Holly saying, 'No, why?'"

Clint Bobo said he figured Holly and her boyfriend Drew were breaking up.
At this time, Karen Bobo called home after she heard from a neighbor that there was a scream.
It's important to note that Clint Bobo didn't hear that scream, and Karen Bobo didn't tell her son there was a scream.

They were not on the same page. "I said, 'Clint, that's not Drew. Get a gun and shoot him.' And I remember him saying, 'You want me to shoot Drew?' So I hung the phone up again, and I think at that point I fell on the floor," Karen Bobo said.

Clint Bobo knew that Holly's boyfriend Drew was turkey hunting that morning, so he thought it was obviously Drew he saw wearing camouflage and talking with his sister. He said it appeared to be a serious conversation and maybe even a break-up talk. "And I don't want to call 911 and say, 'My sister and her boyfriend are breaking up,'" Clint Bobo said.

So, Clint Bobo didn't act, but went to check again. This time, he saw Holly walking into the woods with the man in camouflage. "The only thing I could see was his right arm, which was hanging down," Clint Bobo said. "I saw them up to about where those two trees are, and from that point I never saw them again."

Holly Bobo walked into the woods with the man in camouflage who Clint Bobo was sure was Drew, who was hunting that morning and it is now believed he may have had a gun or knife, and they continued up this path. On the other side of these woods there is a logging road where you can easily park a vehicle. The dogs, we know, pursued and then stopped. Why would they stop right there? Because the odds are she got into a vehicle

This is a theory backed up by, of all things, a map. Holly Bobo's abductor forgot to turn off her cell phone, so with GPS tracking, that phone can be tracked along a strange, back roads journey that ends in a surprising and upsetting possibility. The map shows that if police had immediately blocked four roads near the Bobo home, like Karen Bobo had begged them to do, they would have likely caught the abductor in the act.
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