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 Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford

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Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Empty
PostSubject: Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford   Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 5:35 pm

First let me tell you about Mark Sanford.

Congressman from South Carolina 1995 to 2001.

Governor of South Carolina 2003 to 2011.

Shortly after taking office as Governor, joined the Air Force Reserve. Having been in for 10 years now, he's currently at the rank of Captain.

In 2008, he was on Senator John McCain's shortlist for Vice President.

In 2009, something happened in his personal life that didn't go so well with the media.

Recently, Jim DeMint resigned from the U.S. Senate to become President of the Heritage Foundation. South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley chose Congressman Tim Scott to be the Senate replacement.

Coming up is a Special Election on May 7th to fill the vacancy. Comedian Stephen Colbert's sister is the Democratic Nominee. Mark Sanford is the Republican Nominee.

Recently some stuff about his personal life got sent out in the media, and ever since, I think the media has been treating him unfairly and hasn't been paying attention to the important issues. He posted his number in an article allowing anyone to call him up who has any questions for him personally. I sent him a voicemail with words of encouragement and he called me back and we spoke for a few minutes. He was polite, respectful, thanked me for my support and also agreed with me on issues of gun rights and the reasons why it's so important.
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Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford   Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 28, 2013 3:07 pm

It's cool you were able to give him some encouragement. The media always seems to like trashing people and sensationalizing everything. I wish the news was just the news instead of a bunch of people saying all the bad things they can say about some people mixed in with some news.
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Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford   Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 29, 2013 2:59 pm

Don't blame the media. Blame the entities using the media. The media is really just a term used to describe the various channels of information.

The news can often, in my opinion, be considered the villain. They just have to create an interesting story, and will ruin anyone's life doing so. They don't care.

But people running other programs on TV, who brings scammers and corrupt officials out in the open, can be considered superheroes. I love those programs. They do a lot of good. Correct a lot of wrong.
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Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford   Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 29, 2013 3:59 pm

I agree.

It is true that not all media is bad. But I'm really unhappy about what I see. I felt like I have been silent too long. So I feel driven to speak up about things that bother me. I see a lot of things that just don't seem right at all.
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Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford   Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 29, 2013 4:11 pm

Tothian wrote:
It is true that not all media is bad. But I'm really unhappy about what I see. I felt like I have been silent too long. So I feel driven to speak up about things that bother me. I see a lot of things that just don't seem right at all.

What I mean is, calling "the media" bad, is like calling "the Internet" bad.

We can't call neither "the media" nor "the Internet" bad. They are merely channels on information, and they're used both by good people and bad people.

"The news" is one of the evil entities in my opinion. They'll do whatever they have to, in order to bring a story that sells. They don't care if it ruins someones life.

But there are good shows on both "the media" and "the Internet" too. My favorite ones are where they expose the bad guys.

Yes, both "the media" and "the Internet" mostly show us the bad things. And thus emerges, the Real Life Superheroes. ;-)
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Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford   Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 29, 2013 4:38 pm


Good points. I mean the terminology usually has the news called the media - but you are right that not all media is news.
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Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford   Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford I_icon_minitimeMon May 13, 2013 2:50 am

Just as an update. Former Governor Mark Sanford won that election by a 9 percent margin, 54% to 45% against Stephen Colbert's sister Elizabeth Colbert Busch.

Congressman-(re)elect Mark Sanford takes office later today.
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PostSubject: Re: Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford   Just got off the phone with former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford I_icon_minitime

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