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 Heroes Network video?

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Heroes Network video? Empty
PostSubject: Heroes Network video?   Heroes Network video? I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 09, 2013 12:59 pm

I've been wondering why I can't find any videos on YouTube with any of the heroes from Heroes Network.

There are plenty of videos of other heroes, but I can't find any with e.g. Dark Ghost. Very little can be found with Tothian, and nothing with ShowStopper.

How about collaborating on this? Join forces.

Each of you make a video project, in which you record and document something that you do. I imagine everyone can just use their phone to record small clips. Clips
from the actual mission. And then other clips where you record yourself
explaining a bit about what it is that you do. (Or just record your
voice when explaining, even though it would be a lot more awesome if you
were in mask).

All recordings goes to someone who can edit and mix it together. When it's done it'll go online at YouTube with the title: "Heroes Network: This is what we do".

For this project, Heroes Network would need a logo, and a soundlogo would also be awesome.

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Heroes Network video? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes Network video?   Heroes Network video? I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 09, 2013 7:34 pm

I'm liking this idea. What should we start out with?

DarkShadow Rising...
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Heroes Network video? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes Network video?   Heroes Network video? I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 09, 2013 8:16 pm

I have been say this for some time now so needless to say I like the idea
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Heroes Network video? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes Network video?   Heroes Network video? I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 09, 2013 9:24 pm


There are some videos with me in it. There's 1 with ShowStopper in it. Dark Ghost used to have a video. And Mystery Man needs his own TV show that's how awesome he is.

I'm liking this idea too. It's good to have this discussion to decide what it is we'll do and/or talk about on such a video.

We were wanting to have a meet up some time this year and definitely film that.
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Heroes Network video? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes Network video?   Heroes Network video? I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 10, 2013 2:38 am

I suppose first step would be to figure out who can do what.

We need a graphics artist, to make highres logos.

Regarding logo
Does Heroes Network even have an official logo? A logo usually only contains very few "flat" colors, and no pictures. A logo is easy to reproduce on various materials, and put on various items such as buildings, cars, apps, movies etc.
A sign-making company rarely prints logos. Instead they cut it from multiple 1-colored material, and put it together in layers.
The "flat" colors can be "lifted" when using the logo for electronic displays. by adding gradients and light etc.

Having a good logo is essential when it comes to branding Heroes Network. And at this point, I think this is exactly the time to start branding Heroes Network as a quality place to be.

Anyone here a graphics artist? Who can come up with logo suggestions?

Then we need someone who
1) Has a bit of experience editing and mixing clips together, put cool music in the background, without making it impossible to hear what people say on the video, adjust colors and audio, stabilize shaky recordings, add cool modern effects (but none of those cheesy 90-style stuff) etc etc.
2) Has the time and willingness to do all these things

Do we have anyone for that?
I have a little bit of experience on this field, and would probably be willing to edit one or two collection of clips (meaning from 1 or 2 heroes). But that brings up a question for the whole project:
Is it best that each sequence has a different look/feel (e.g. texts has different fonts, colors, sizes and locations), or should all clips from all heroes use the same font, color, size and location. I'm leaning mostly towards the same myself, but it means that the same guy has to edit ALL the clips. And I know from personal experience that it is a very time consuming task.

So, who else is up for this task?

And then we need the lot of you to record yourself. It is probably a very good idea to get a mate to help you out. Try to hold the camera steady when recording. If the recorder has a stabilize setting - use it! Good recordings gives a lot better impression, and that's what we're aiming for.

Regarding audio
Picture-wise cellphones can do fine recordings for this purpose, but the audio is often very thin, and it doesn't give the best impression. I don't know what to do about this at this point, but one option could be to buy an additional audio-recorder. Those aren't super cheap though. I will think more about this.

So, if you have a camera / cellphone, you could start recording already now. If not for the final video, then just for practice.

Set the resolution to HD 1280x720 pixels wide 16:9 format. That way we make sure all recordings are the same format, and not too heavy to work with for the person who'll be editing the whole thing.
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The Grandmaster

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Heroes Network video? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes Network video?   Heroes Network video? I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 18, 2013 3:53 pm

I know some Bluetooth mics work with video recording. I'm actually in the process of getting the type that goes around your neck and gets the audio straight from the vibrations of your vocal cords.
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The Grandmaster

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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Network video?   Heroes Network video? I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 18, 2013 4:01 pm

Also, once I am able to get my laptop back I can do the video editing. I used to do it for my highschool's morning program.
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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Network video?   Heroes Network video? I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 18, 2013 5:29 pm

That sounds great Grandmaster. Looking forward to see what you can come up with.

I will have to look into those bluetooth mics myself too. Do you have any links?
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The Grandmaster

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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Network video?   Heroes Network video? I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 18, 2013 6:19 pm

I'll have to research a little bit then I'll get back to you.
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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Network video?   Heroes Network video? I_icon_minitime

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