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Graphology Empty
PostSubject: Graphology   Graphology I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 2:14 am

How to Analyze Handwriting (Graphology)

1. Look at the pressure of the strokes. A high pressure means the person has a high Emotional Energy. People with a high Emotional Energy have a lot of enthusiasm for life and are often very successful. People with a low Emotional Energy find most situations draining and will try to avoid them

2. Look at the size of the letters. Large letters mean the person is outgoing and extroverted; small letters mean the person is reclusive and introverted.

3. Look at the slope of the strokes. A right slope means that the person is assertive, confident, and sometimes insensitive. A left slope means that the person is quiet, recluse, and usually thinks before acting. No slope means that the person is reliable and consistent, but is often very constrained.

4. Look at the connection of the letters. Connected letters mean that the person is logical and judges things according to experience. Disconnected letters mean the person is imaginative and judges things according to intuition


  • If the handwriting slants all over the place, the person is probably stressed. Accurate analysis is hard in this situation.
  • Practice with the handwriting of famous people. Wikimedia Commons has some good examples.
  • Find a book if you're interested in developing your knowledge of graphology. There are many more techniques and schools of graphology than mentioned in this article.

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Graphology Empty
PostSubject: Re: Graphology   Graphology I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 2:25 am

How to Tell What Someone is Like from Their Handwriting

1. Get samples of the person's handwriting, and look at it. Make sure the sample you're getting is neat, easy to read, handwriting. Take a good look at the handwriting.

Look for the following characteristics and decide which one fits it the best. The example for each of the different types of handwriting all say "Samantha Loves wikiHow."

  • Very neat writing means the person is reliable and good at communicating with others. The handwriting doesn't have to be cursive; it should just be neat.

    Graphology 550px-SDC12031

  • Sloppy writing indicates the person is secretive, meaning you have a hard time reading what is written.

    Graphology 550px-SDC12034

  • Large letters point to someone who likes attention and wants to be noticed by others.

    Graphology 550px-SDC12036

  • Small letters mean the person is shy, but has a good eye for detail.

    Graphology 550px-SDC12046

  • If the handwriting slopes to the left, the person is very good at keeping their feelings to themselves.

    Graphology 550px-SDC12048

  • If their handwriting slopes to the right, they are very open and honest.

    Graphology 550px-SDC12049

  • Writing that has separated letters shows that the person is very cautious, and well alarmed.

    Graphology 550px-SDC12052

  • Writing that is "joined up" means that the person is very artistic, and loves to draw and be creative. Look for handwriting where the T's and the H's, are very lengthy like the image shows.

    Graphology 550px-SDC12053

  • Rounded letters means the person is logical and usually gets things right the first time.

    Graphology 550px-SDC12054

  • Spiky letters indicate the person is quick-thinking and perceptive.

    Graphology 550px-SDC12056
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Graphology Empty
PostSubject: Re: Graphology   Graphology I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 2:38 am

This is awesome stuff, Dark Ghost. Thanks for sharing this.
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Graphology Empty
PostSubject: Re: Graphology   Graphology I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 2:41 am

No problem I like to do all I can
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Graphology Empty
PostSubject: Re: Graphology   Graphology I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 3:27 am

That's good. Also I have a book on this as well that I got about 4 years ago. I've skimmed through different parts of it before. It's some good stuff and while never considered to be 100% accurate, it can be a good indicator of who wrote something and the ways they felt or what kind of people they are from an emotional and/or psychological and/or socially.
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Graphology Empty
PostSubject: Re: Graphology   Graphology I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 5:01 am

yep Holmes used in the the 2nd movie
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Graphology Empty
PostSubject: Re: Graphology   Graphology I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 26, 2019 10:58 pm

I've actually got everything but this so far. I just figured since I'm Polish that I'd just find a Polish library and start small- such as Polish Disney books. Work my way up to a viperous prince. But since I've noticed it today I may as well start to manifest my cursive. It'll probably give me a better eye on the lower keens of writing later in Polish.
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PostSubject: Re: Graphology   Graphology I_icon_minitime

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