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 How to Dig a Bullet Out of Yourself

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How to Dig a Bullet Out of Yourself Empty
PostSubject: How to Dig a Bullet Out of Yourself   How to Dig a Bullet Out of Yourself I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 04, 2013 2:09 am

1. Examine the wound. Do your best to decide if you should try and remove it. If it's not bleeding much, and too deep, maybe you shouldn't take it out. Sometimes, taking out a bullet by yourself is worse than leaving it in, as the bullet could be stopping the bleeding.

  • But, if the bleeding won't stop, you might decide you need to dig out the bullet and cauterize the wound. It will develop a terrible infection otherwise. Remember, you're miles from anywhere. If you decide to remove the bullet(s), then keep reading. Hopefully, you have a container of whiskey and your Bowie knife. Or an Ice Pack.
2. Numb the wound with the ice pack

3. Build a campfire, if possible. Build a small fire using twigs and leaves with larger dried branches on top. Create a spark on the leaves and twigs by striking your knife on a rock. Blow on it as soon as the cinders start to catch. This may take a while if you're not good at it so be persistent.

4. Apply Whiskey and Dig. Take several swigs of whiskey to dull the pain of what you are about to do. Pry the bullet out with a knife. Try your best not to cut any veins, and try looking for them before you dig. This is liable to hurt like nothing you've ever felt before, but don't give up. You can do it.

5. Apply Heat. Once the bullet is removed, you need to sterilize and close the wound. The best way to do this under the circumstances is with fire. Heat up your knife blade until it's red hot. Apply it to the open wound, effectively searing it shut.


  • Try to numb the wound or it's going hurt like hell.
  • Clean the wound with anything with an alcohol base.
  • Use a cloth, as clean as you can get it.
  • Don't take this action unless absolutely necessary.
  • Learn to dodge and run fast so you don't get shot in the first place.


  • This is to only be done if you cannot reach a hospital or doctor. Removing a bullet from yourself is very dangerous under the best conditions, and let this article be the start of learning what to do.
  • Only tie the bandage so it can stop the bleeding, or you're going to lose the arm.
  • Go to the hospital when you can as you will still need help.
  • Please know what you're doing before you make things worse and kill yourself

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Black Tornado

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Join date : 2013-12-11
Age : 26
Location : Oakley,Ca

How to Dig a Bullet Out of Yourself Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to Dig a Bullet Out of Yourself   How to Dig a Bullet Out of Yourself I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 11, 2013 10:46 pm

i like these tips they would help..
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How to Dig a Bullet Out of Yourself Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to Dig a Bullet Out of Yourself   How to Dig a Bullet Out of Yourself I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 20, 2013 9:33 pm

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PostSubject: Re: How to Dig a Bullet Out of Yourself   How to Dig a Bullet Out of Yourself I_icon_minitime

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