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 Mobile Version Improvements

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PostSubject: Mobile Version Improvements   Mobile Version Improvements I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 22, 2013 6:19 pm

There have been some improvements to the mobile version of the forum. You can now:

Log in/out easily:
Mobile Version Improvements Login10

Create a new topic:
Mobile Version Improvements New_to10
Mobile Version Improvements Post_a10

Post a reply:
Mobile Version Improvements Post_a11

Be sure to try it out on your mobile device and let us know what you think of the improvements.

(Images taken from ForuMotion thread here: http://help.forumotion.com/t120827-new-updates-upgrade-of-the-toolbar-and-improvement-of-the-mobile-version )
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PostSubject: Re: Mobile Version Improvements   Mobile Version Improvements I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 18, 2013 6:52 pm

I've been able to emulate a mobile device such as a smartphone or iPad with Google Chrome and I've seen how to forum looks when viewed on a mobile device. I'm going to update this thread soon on how to use the forum and solve any mobile-related issues from your mobile device.
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PostSubject: Re: Mobile Version Improvements   Mobile Version Improvements I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 20, 2013 11:44 am

I highly recommend disabling the Envolve chat in the lower-right of the forum when viewing the forum from a mobile device. The Envolve chat covers up the "New Topic" link in the bottom of the page in a Section. The Envolve chat also covers up the whole screen in a smaller screen and renders the forum and the Envolve chat very difficult to use.

You can disable the Envolve chat by clicking "Turn Off" as shown in this image:
Mobile Version Improvements Screen13

After disabling the Envolve chat there will be a small square on the lower-right to show the Envolve chat is disabled. If you click on the small box in the lower-right then it will re-enable the Envolve chat.
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PostSubject: Re: Mobile Version Improvements   Mobile Version Improvements I_icon_minitime

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