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 204's Evolving Library of Knowledge

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204's Evolving Library of Knowledge Empty
PostSubject: 204's Evolving Library of Knowledge   204's Evolving Library of Knowledge I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 10, 2013 11:44 pm

1. The Art of War, by Sun Tzu.

2. The Art of Peace, by Morihei Ueshiba.

3. Be Like Water, by Cardillo.

4. Develop Your Psychic Skills, by Hoffman.

5. The Psychic Energy Codex, by Belanger.

6. The Psychic Vampire Codex, by Belanger.

7. Pressure Point Fighting, by Clark.

8. The Divine Matrix, by Braden.

9. The Ghost Hunter's Survival Guide, by Belanger.

10. The Intuitive Body, by Palmer.

11. Instant Magick, by Penzack.

12. Street Stoppers, by Christensen.

13. Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere, by Ratti.

14. Mafickal Self Defense, by Cuhulain.

15. Psychic Dreamwalking, by Belanger

16. The Practice of Freedom, by Palmer.

17. The Art of Living Out Loud, by Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD.

18. Leadership and Self Deception, by the Arbinger Institute.

19. No Ordinary Moments, by Millman.

20. The Life you Were Meant to Live, by Millman

21. Slaying the Three Dragons, by Strano.

22. Shadow Warrior, by Jotaro.

23. Way of the Modern Warrior, by Kaufman.

24. Emotional Inteligence, by Goleman.

25. Concentration, by Ernest Wood.

26. The Batman Handbook, by Ned Beatty.

27. Where There Is No Doctor, by Werner.

28. Special Ops Fitness Training, by De Lisle.

29. Krav Maga for Beginners, by Levine and Whitman.

30. Complete Krav Maga, by Levine and Whitman.

31. Black Belt Krav Maga, by Levine and Whitman.

32. Picture Yourself: Developing Psychic Abilities, by Johnson.

33. Mastering Astral Projection, by Bruce & Mercer.

34. Magick of Reiki, by Penzack.

35. Essentials of Philosophy, by Mannion.

36. Surviving Armed Assaults, by Kane.

37. U.S. Army Ranger Handbook, by the US Department of Defense.

38. U.S. Army Guerilla Warfare Handbook, by the Department of the Army.

39. Patriots, by James Wesley Rawles.

40. Founders, by James Wesley Rawles.

41. The SAS Fighting Techniques Handbook, by White.

42. Contact!:A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival, by Max Velocity.

43. The Elite Forces Handbook of Unarmed Combat.

44. Jericho Television Series, Seasons 1&2.

45. Jericho Season 3 Graphic Novel.

46. Tapo Out Textbook, by Scott.

47. The Ultimate Guide to US Army SURVIVAL: Skills, Tactics, and Techniques.

48. 10 Rules for Dealing with Police Officers, With Legendary Lawyer, William "Billy" Murphy Jr.

49. The Holy Bible, New International Version.

50. The Tao Te Ching, by Lao-Tzu.

51. The Magic, by Rhonda Byrne.

52. Meditation 24/7, by Maurine and Roche.

53. Anarchist Cookbook, 2002 Version, by Jolly Roger.

54. The Great UN Gun Debate DVD.

55. Vrious Hypnotic Files in the Downloads of my Computer Stuff.

I have received official Paramilitary Training at the Alaska Military Youth Academy, (AMYA) and due to simply living in Interior Alaska I am proficent in Outdoors Survival and Self Sufficency. I also am skilled at combat shooting with a handgun, revolver, and an AR-15 as well as skills at Knife Throwing and Bo Staff self defense techniques.

I train my mind at Lumosity.com to help improve cognitive functioning. You can use the Alpha Brain Cognitive Enhancer along with daily vitamin and ntric oxide supplements to chemically enhance your mind and body. I usually stock up on the days I go on patrol or when I'm brainstorming. Combined with my already vast experience and techniques with chemical enhancments I can operate at my most peak performance and handle virtually anything thrown my way. I train regularily in the Art of the Butterfly and the Art of Kung. I personally prefer Modafinili as opposed to the Alpha Brain stimulant; Modafinil has been likened to "the Real Life NZT-48" from the Movie "Limitless."

Anyway, just some food for thought; you're mind and body are capable of SO much more than you thought they were and after a few years of training you'll find yourself in a thrilling adventure that can at times be a little scary or overwhelming. But I'd say it's worth it. You can never stop learning new things. Wink

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204's Evolving Library of Knowledge Empty
PostSubject: Re: 204's Evolving Library of Knowledge   204's Evolving Library of Knowledge I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 7:36 am

A few of them I've read, but some of them just by the names alone sound like some really good interesting and informative books that would be very useful. Thanks for sharing them!
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204's Evolving Library of Knowledge Empty
PostSubject: Re: 204's Evolving Library of Knowledge   204's Evolving Library of Knowledge I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 3:52 pm

No problem. Well, it was kinda hard filling the top of my desk up with books, dvds, and other stuff and finding the names of all the authors and whatnot...but,it was kinda fun too haha XD

A couple other ones off the top of my head at the moment would be "The Owner's Manual For the Brain, Third Edition) I forget who it's by, but google the title and I'm sure it'll pop up. Moni Aizik's Commando Krav Maga DVD series as well; there's like ten DVDS with great stuff on it. Wink

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204's Evolving Library of Knowledge Empty
PostSubject: Re: 204's Evolving Library of Knowledge   204's Evolving Library of Knowledge I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 4:03 pm

Oh wow. Well either way, I do appreciate you taking the time to go out of your way to do that.

And cool.
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204's Evolving Library of Knowledge Empty
PostSubject: Re: 204's Evolving Library of Knowledge   204's Evolving Library of Knowledge I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 4:56 pm

Anytime. Smile
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204's Evolving Library of Knowledge Empty
PostSubject: Re: 204's Evolving Library of Knowledge   204's Evolving Library of Knowledge I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2013 8:30 pm

Just added three additional works to my Evolving Library of Knowledge

56. "Mind Control: The Ancient Art of Psychological Warfare" by Dr. Haha Lung.

57. "Ultimate Mind Control: Asian Arts of Mental Domination" by Dr. Haha Lung

58. "Martial Virtues: Lessons in Wisdom, Courage, and Compassion From the World's Greatest Warriors" by Charles Hackney, PhD.


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President & Founder of the Heroes Network
President & Founder of the Heroes Network

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Titles : Real Life Superhero, Marine Corps Veteran, Warrior
Mission : Serve God, fight evil, protect people, help the Real Life Superhero Community

204's Evolving Library of Knowledge Empty
PostSubject: Re: 204's Evolving Library of Knowledge   204's Evolving Library of Knowledge I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 16, 2013 8:57 pm

Nice! Just from the names they sound like they'll be very interesting.
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204's Evolving Library of Knowledge Empty
PostSubject: Re: 204's Evolving Library of Knowledge   204's Evolving Library of Knowledge I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2013 12:13 am

Oh yeah; Dr. Haha is a pretty scary dude; I've already got a bunch of new and scay tricks tucked up myself within just an hour of reading it! Mwaheheheheh! XD

Some very interesting/thought provoking discussions can be found in Martial Virtues and the Ultimate Mind Control seems to get into more detailed aspects of some of the stuff covered in his other one.

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204's Evolving Library of Knowledge Empty
PostSubject: Re: 204's Evolving Library of Knowledge   204's Evolving Library of Knowledge I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 17, 2013 4:12 am

Oh, here's another one.

59. "The Spiritual Practices of the Ninja: Mastering the Four Gates to Freedom" by Ross Heaven. I would probably reccomend reading this one first. Wink

Can't believe I forgot it, haha, silly me. XD

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PostSubject: Re: 204's Evolving Library of Knowledge   204's Evolving Library of Knowledge I_icon_minitime

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