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 Would it be Wrong

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6 posters

Would it be wrong to make this case in to a mystery novel and make money off it.
Would it be Wrong I_vote_lcap17%Would it be Wrong I_vote_rcap
 17% [ 1 ]
Would it be Wrong I_vote_lcap83%Would it be Wrong I_vote_rcap
 83% [ 5 ]
Total Votes : 6


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PostSubject: Would it be Wrong   Would it be Wrong I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 04, 2012 10:01 pm

OK as most of you all know I am working on a murder case from 2000 the has yet to be solved and I have been working no it for soon time now and it is turning in to something that you would read in a mystery novel. Now I like to write and I would love to do it for a living.
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PostSubject: Re: Would it be Wrong   Would it be Wrong I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 04, 2012 10:39 pm

Dark Ghost,

Good question. I say no. I mean as long as you can know that it's not about you nor what you can gain out of this. But rather if you talk about the whole thing that happened. It could be educational.

While the morals and ethics of personal gain from this will be debated. I say talk with the family of the victim, like the surviving siblings and see what they think about this too, or if they have any request that at least some of the profits from it be donated to some form of charity in Joshua Lee Walden's memory. That way you could still make at least some level of personal gain based on your efforts that you put in to this, as well as educate and inspire other Detectives out there.
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PostSubject: Re: Would it be Wrong   Would it be Wrong I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 17, 2013 5:43 pm

yes unless you get the peoples permision and also give them a lil bit of the profit
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The Wall Creeper

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PostSubject: Re: Would it be Wrong   Would it be Wrong I_icon_minitimeFri May 17, 2013 11:34 pm

You're putting your own time and effort into doing good for the victim and his loved ones, as well as helping to bring a killer to justice. You should definitely write a novel about it, so maybe other detectives can learn from the mistakes and rewards of the case, and use it in the future. Also, making money off of hard work and writing, isn't anything to be ashamed of. It's not like you're lying or demonizing anyone in it, that doesn't deserve it.
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PostSubject: Re: Would it be Wrong   Would it be Wrong I_icon_minitimeFri May 17, 2013 11:48 pm

I'd say no. Not at all; even if you decided to keep all the money you made on it for yourself and blow it on stupid stuff. But I have sort of a very black and white view of right and wrong. Basically I feel everyone as the right (as a human being) to do whatever the heck they want. But with every right must also come responsibility. The responsibility is always to not harm yourself or others in the process of your actions. Hurting people is real wrong in my eyes, everything else that doesn't hurt anyone and is of your own doing should be allowed and not classified as wrong. I don't think drugs are wrong; people should be able to do any drug they want; if they hurt someone in the process, they'll suffer the consequences as if it were any other crime; if they drive drunk and hit someone, that would be manslaughter; alcohopl doesn't have anything to do with it in my eyes; if you drink and drivce that's your choice, it's your responsibility to use common sense and not hurt anyone and the easiest way to do that is to not drink and drive. I don't think prostitution is "wrong" they're supplying a service for a fee; every business the world over is making money off of making people feel good. If you hurt a prostitute, if if one hurts you, totally different crime; assault, rape, molestation. They should be held responsible. If it's all professional, both parties enjoy the experience, and the client is honest, then no harm done equals no wrong in my eyes. So no, if you want to write a mystery novel it's not wrong if you ask me; I love mystery novels haha. XD

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PostSubject: Re: Would it be Wrong   Would it be Wrong I_icon_minitimeSat May 18, 2013 12:35 pm

Professionals do this all the time. For instance, Kathy Reichs and her series Bones. You would need to change the names and perhaps some of the place names (example: instead of Joe Martin, it could be John Ramhorn; instead of Sally's Diner, it could be Betty's Diner). Then, of course, you could always make a note that your story if based off of real events, only the names have been changed.
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PostSubject: Re: Would it be Wrong   Would it be Wrong I_icon_minitimeSun May 19, 2013 6:20 pm

I wouldn't see anything wrong with it as long as it's done correctly and with compassionate and truthful attributes.

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PostSubject: Re: Would it be Wrong   Would it be Wrong I_icon_minitimeTue May 21, 2013 11:30 pm

I am going with Raven and would go even further to make a slightly different story. The setting and characters should be different. You do not want a In Cold Blood type of book.
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PostSubject: Re: Would it be Wrong   Would it be Wrong I_icon_minitime

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