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 TIPPING POINT? Navy SEALs ordered by Obama to remove ‘don’t tread on me’ Navy Jack from uniforms…

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TIPPING POINT? Navy SEALs ordered by Obama to remove ‘don’t tread on me’ Navy Jack from uniforms… Empty
PostSubject: TIPPING POINT? Navy SEALs ordered by Obama to remove ‘don’t tread on me’ Navy Jack from uniforms…   TIPPING POINT? Navy SEALs ordered by Obama to remove ‘don’t tread on me’ Navy Jack from uniforms… I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 05, 2013 5:55 am

Here's the link:


This is very messed up.
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TIPPING POINT? Navy SEALs ordered by Obama to remove ‘don’t tread on me’ Navy Jack from uniforms… Empty
PostSubject: Re: TIPPING POINT? Navy SEALs ordered by Obama to remove ‘don’t tread on me’ Navy Jack from uniforms…   TIPPING POINT? Navy SEALs ordered by Obama to remove ‘don’t tread on me’ Navy Jack from uniforms… I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 06, 2013 12:00 am

I don't understand why they'd be forced to remove something that important to the Navy as well as the US in general from their uniforms. There is no harm in letting them continue wearing it. That flag's message has also been very important in the founding of the United States, and pre-dates the american flag.
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TIPPING POINT? Navy SEALs ordered by Obama to remove ‘don’t tread on me’ Navy Jack from uniforms…
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