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 Most Commonly Spoken Languages by State after English and Spanish

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Most Commonly Spoken Languages by State after English and Spanish Empty
PostSubject: Most Commonly Spoken Languages by State after English and Spanish   Most Commonly Spoken Languages by State after English and Spanish I_icon_minitimeThu May 15, 2014 8:27 pm


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Most Commonly Spoken Languages by State after English and Spanish
in News / by Corey Barrow / on May 15, 2014 at 9:43 am /

Nearly everyone should be fully aware that Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language in American homes. With almost 50 million speakers, no other language even comes close. What other languages do people around the country speak the most, after English and Spanish?
Ben Blatt over at Slate put together a map that answers that very question. It shows the most commonly spoken language other than English or Spanish in each state. In 16 Midwestern states, German gets the win. In California and Nevada, Tagalog pulls ahead. Vietnamese gets the victory in Washington, Texas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska. French-Creole even makes a surprise appearance in Florida.
This map is a pretty cool way to learn where different groups settled around the country as we became the melting pot we are today. Some of the results may surprise you.

Most Commonly Spoken Languages by State after English and Spanish CBOX_BlattLanguage_2.jpg.CROP_.original-original
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Most Commonly Spoken Languages by State after English and Spanish
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